Home News Library Service: Spotlight on Children’s Multimedia Kits

Library Service: Spotlight on Children’s Multimedia Kits


Portage County District Library’s August service spotlight shines on our children’s multimedia kits. When one book on a particular subject is not enough, look to Portage County District Library’s children’s multimedia kits. Each kit contains an assortment of books videos, toys, music and/or CD-ROMs with themes ranging from Alligators & Crocodiles to Music to Zoos. The Library also has a variety of math and science kits covering topics ranging from Fossils to Fractions. The latest additions to our kit collection are the Cultural Kits. These can be a wonderful aid for school reports and include the countries and regions of China, North Africa and Central America. Kits range in age appropriateness from preschool to upper elementary. Kits must be checked out on an adult or teacher card and for a two-week loan period. You can reserve a kit online or by calling a branch library location, and they can be renewed as well. To find a kit in the PLC catalog, select the “Media Type” search function and then the “Kit” link.
Don’t have a library card yet? Signing up for a library card is free and can be done at any branch library location, or by downloading an application online  at www.portagelibrary.org.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography