Home Garrettsville Kudos to the JAG Schools from Klamer

Kudos to the JAG Schools from Klamer


I’m so impressed with what I observe of the James A. Garfield School District after five years into retirement and after 16 months of our relocation to northwest Ohio to enjoy our grandkids and their parents. I have noticed that the district continues to offer high quality educational opportunities, with the students working hard to take advantage of these many opportunities. The teachers, administration, support staff and Board continue to work with the parents and the community. The teaching and learning component is the most important aspect of schools.

Five years ago Superintendent Lysiak wrote a? Straight A? grant that the state funded for 5 million dollars which has not cost the taxpayers of the Garfield School District any local dollars. This 5 million dollar gran?t enabled all the students to be on the Central Campus of Excellence which we knew had been needed for the past 30 years. The new school attached to the elementary was paid entirely with these funds. Also each student in grades 7-12 received a Chrome Book to use for their school work and to join the world of researching more information for their school assignments. This also enabled the District to use “on-line texts” for students. A portion of this money was also used for professional development for the staff. I believe this is the largest grant ever received by the district.

Other additional programming for students includes the numerous high school coursework that students can take at Garfield High for both college and high school credit. The Garfield teachers have had to take additional college work and be approved by the college certifying this college credit for the students. This results in students earning college credits at Garfield High School without any cost to their parents.

Garfield Schools have continued to offer the arts, athletics and many other co-curricular offerings to produce many well-rounded graduates pursuing coursework and activities that they have much interest in.

I continue to share from afar the pride in the James A. Garfield Schools that you have. Although I am hundreds miles of away I still bleed black and gold. Much continued success for an awesome 2018-19 school year.

Submitted By Former Superintendent Chuck Klamer



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