Home Other Areas Kiwanis Junior Olympics Held In Newton Falls

Kiwanis Junior Olympics Held In Newton Falls


Newton Falls – Newton Falls Kiwanis Club and nearly sixty enthusiastic 6- to 12-year olds spent a chilly May 11 morning enjoying track and field events.  Co-sponsored by Positive Images, and with much help from Coach Brian Bugos and the high school track team, these games allow our young people to exercise and have fun with their peers, while learning about track skills.  These games originated over thirty years ago, beginning with an idea from Trooper Tim DelVecchio and Andy Jacob, then developed by Kiwanis member Andy Jacob.  Mr. Jacob was honored by having the name of the games changed to the Andy Jacob Junior Olympics, and Kiwanis is happy to carry out the games in his memory.

IMG_1693athletes&parents@awardsStudents participated in a softball throw, with measurements for distance and accuracy.  Another fun event was the obstacle course, which concluded with a little silliness–a run around a bucket.  The running long jump was interesting for the children, who learned about the white take-off line.  The games concluded with 25-meter, 50-meter, 100-meter, and 200-meter races.  It was exciting for the children to be in a race that began by starter pistol.

At the awards ceremony, participants received t-shirts and either a ribbon or medal for each event.  Special thanks go to the school board and Superintendent Woodard for allowing these events at the school, Coach Bugos and the track team, Positive Images, the wonderfully supportive parents, and the booster club for having the concession stand open.  Kiwanis also thanks the Church of God for a donation to help with expenses.

Kiwanis welcomes new members.  Consider coming to a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays (except the last Tuesday of the month) at Covered Bridge Inn Restaurant, 22 W. Broad Street


Anton Albert Photography