Home Schools Keeping Kids Safe

Keeping Kids Safe


The Garfield MVP’s Keep our Kids Safe Committee will be very busy over the next few months.  The committee is working hard towards their goal of having  security cameras installed for the 2012/2013 school year in the parking lots of the high school / elementary school complex.  The group has raised  $2,700 but still need $6,000 to make this happen.
On May 5th during the Garrettsville Community Yard Sale the group will be holding a bake sale at 8067 Crestwood Drive in  Garrettsville.
An additional creative way you can help raise funds is by taking this article from the Villager to the  Five Below store located at 7145 Market Place Dr in Bainbridge anytime on May 11 or 12th.  This store is located in the Kohl’s / Big Lots shopping complex across from the old Geauga Lake Park. The store is open from 11 am – 6 pm on these days.
By presenting this article at the time of checkout, the Garfield MVP’s will receive 10% of the sales. This is only available at the Bainbridge Five Below store on May 11th & 12th.
The committee will also be selling glow necklaces at the Garrettsville Summerfest in June.
Tax deductible donations, cash or check (to Garfield MVP’s) are also being accepted.  Please send these to Garfield Middle School MVP’s Camera Fund, 10231 Ohio St. Rt. 88, Garrettsville, OH 44231
If you have any questions please call Dee Synnestvedt 330-527-0223.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography