Home Schools Kali Hilfer wins $2000 for Windham’s Prom

Kali Hilfer wins $2000 for Windham’s Prom


Windham – Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting at the board offices on April 25, 2013 with all board members present. The treasurer was unavailable for the meeting.

In student achievement, Kali Hilfer brought home 1st place out of over 20 schools represented in the banner contest for “None for Under 21” Rally held at Hiram College on April 16, 2013. The rally is to discourage kids from partaking of alcoholic beverages during prom and end of the school year activities. Hilfer, who was the primary artists of the banner titles “The Mourning After” was presented with a check for $2000 to be used for the school’s prom and related activities.

Windham Student Kali Hilfer was the primary artist on their banner titled “the Mourning After” that won the district $2000 toward prom expenses from the “None under 21” at Hiram college. Kali is picture ed with art teacher Lauren Seger

Principal Mike Chafee reported that Prom was set for May 4, 2013 at Roby Lees in Newton Falls and the after prom will be a day in Cleveland on May 5, 2013 with visits to the Rock Hall of Fame, a ride on the Nautica Queen and the Cleveland Indians baseball game.  He also reported that the eighth graders visited Maplewood Career Center and Kent State University as part of the district’s comprehensive educational and career   planning. Teacher Tamara Brown received another “Fund my Project Grant” to purchase novels for her classes’ Holocaust Study.  She has also made arrangements for a Holocaust to survivor to address the sophomores on May 14, 2013.

In elementary news, Principal Harry Selner reported that enrollment is currently at 324 for Pre K- fifth grade. He also reported that a two day work shop will be held on May 30th -31st on the new Common Core State Standards. The focus of the work shop is on the implementation of the new standards for the 2013-2014 school year.

The Parent Teacher Organization has helped obtain The COSI on Wheels program to visit the school nest year. This program is from the Science Center in Columbus and they will offer many hands-on explorations and experiments. They will visit the school in spring of 2014.

Special Education and Preschool director Robert Kujala reported that they have had positive feedback from state officials on their On-Site Review. There were a few areas that needed a minimal corrective action plan, but for the most part the review was good. In preschool he reported that registration is ongoing and they have 31 applications for the next school year.

In Maintenance and transportation, Supervisor Craig Alderman reported that the floors at Katherine Thomas were done over spring break and they look great. He also reported that spring sports schedules always make transportation scheduling a challenge, but they are rising to the occasion as always. He was questioned about a bus breakdown on State Route 303 recently, he said he actually had two breakdowns, one was a computer module and the other was an alternator. Neither breakdown could have been foreseen or prevented. Both buses were repaired and are back on the road.

A resident/ parent of a student spoke on behalf of teacher Karen Stone trying to urge the BOE to reconsider their plan of not renewing her contract. Board President Danny Burns thanked her for coming and said the BOE would take her input under advisement.

The board adjourned to go into executive session at 7:35 to discuss employee contracts and returned at 8:25. Following their return, they voted to not renew Lisa Stafford’s contract as well as Karen Stone’s contract.  When asked for a reason on the non-renewals Superintendent Gregg Isler said he couldn’t comment due to privacy laws.

The BOE meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm. They rotate meetings between the elementary school library and the high school. The next meeting is scheduled at the in the elementary school library.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography