Home Garrettsville Jeff Sheehan Gives Presentation on Water Department to Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary...

Jeff Sheehan Gives Presentation on Water Department to Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The April 30, 2018 meeting of the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram saw a program presented by Jeff Sheehan Superintendent of the Water and Wastewater Department of the Village of Garrettsville. Describing himself as the “Head Drip”, Supt. Sheehan gave an outstanding review of the history of the water department, which began organizing in 1904 and was operational 1907, with only four superintendents up to this date; wastewater and water departments were combined at a later date, after the sewer system was created and expanded. He also gave a brief explanation of the recent crisis in Flint, Michigan, which the Village of Garrettsville is not likely to be affected by. He described the source of the village water supply, its natural fluoride, the testing to which it is subjected, the planning and technical advances which are ongoing to maintain the high quality. From fire protection to the effect of residential and industrial development, this department is integral to the community’s well-being. Being pro-active is key to future achievement. JAG superintendent, Ted Lysiak spoke up to relay to the group, the praise from the construction company which was involved in recent construction of Garfield’s latest building project…best, most knowledgeable municipal water/wastewater department ever dealt with.

The group has been invited to tour the facilities, even view TV shots from inside the pipes. It’s on!

In other business : RYLA nominations.are due soon. Consideration of sponsorship of the Friends of Melana 5K run during SummerFest–to be discussed at the next business meeting. A quote for lighting the falls—by Edison Landscape & Deck Lighting—has been received and will be presented soon to council. John Wolfe is going to rehab; cards and help will be appreciated. A contribution for prom expenses of the local exchange student will be going to his host family.

Next meeting : Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, noon, business.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography