Home Geauga County “Jeep Invasion” Supports Geauga School’s DARE Program

“Jeep Invasion” Supports Geauga School’s DARE Program


Geauga County (and beyond) Jeepsters did it again, third year in a row! More than 120 Jeeps invaded the Mayfield Drive In (SR 322, Geauga County) parking lot on Sunday, Oct. 9. This event, The Geauga Jeep Invasion, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield (BMR) gathered 20 Thousand Dollars for the Geauga County Sheriff Hildenbrand’s DARE program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) utilized throughout Geauga County Schools. “Geauga County is an amazing place,” said Jim Dvorak, BMR member and event organizer. “Whenever there is a worthy cause, everyone steps up.”

Upon arrival, Jeep owners received a “goodie” bag containing numerous donated prizes and gifts. While waiting, they visited with other Jeep enthusiasts comparing models, improvements, and commonalities. At 10 a.m., the highlight of the event began with a 40-mile tour of Geauga County allowing invaders a one-of-kind excursion to enjoy early fall colors during a beautiful autumn day under bright, blue skies. The tour included a five-mile jaunt on some of the temporarily closed Headwaters hike and bike trails and the “Best Part,” a guided journey through the private Best Sand Pit off Rt. 44 with some Jeep operators claiming, “It made us feel, we were riding through the Sahara Desert.”

Through the generous support of the Junction Auto Family and numerous other sponsors, along with the Jeep entry fees, the event raised supplemental funds needed for the Geauga County Sheriff’s Office to administer the DARE program. Government funding for this critically important program has recently been reduced and BMR felt the program was important enough in these current times that it should not be diminished in any way.

This event is growing in popularity every year and is a great way to support worthwhile causes and have a fabulous time driving your favorite vehicle, enjoying the company of other Jeep enthusiasts, and appreciating their accomplishments.

Sponsors of the Geauga Jeep Invasion are as follows: Junction Auto, Janet M. Hofstetter, Gina M. Hofstetter, Hess & Associates Engineering, Inc., Ibold & O’Brien, Mary Lampert, Chuck White, Electrolock Inc, Van Ness Stone, Inc., Tim Hess Agency, Inc., Geauga Financial Advisors, Brockway Insurance, Geauga Credit Union, Mapledale Farm, Inc., Day’s End Landscaping LLX, Carolyn Paschke for Common Pleas Judge, Ebert Owen Certified Public Accountant, Ken’s Auto Body, Inc., RE/Max Rising, Geauga Door Sales & Service Inc., C.P. Hitchcock, P. Daniel & Deborah Demko, Best Sand, McCaskey Landscape & Design, Ronyak Paving, Inc., John & Debra Epprecht, VFW Post 6519, Honest Scales Recycling LLC., Robert Landies and Marsh Valley Forest Products.

For information or sponsorship opportunities of future events call 440-554-1404.


Anton Albert Photography