Home Portage County James A. Garfield Historical Society Meets for Pot-Luck Supper

James A. Garfield Historical Society Meets for Pot-Luck Supper


Freedom Twp. – The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on August 20 at the picnic pavilion at the Freedom Township Hall for a pot-luck supper and an interesting presentation by David Bockelman on the Freedom Congregational Church, which is this year observing one hundred ninety years since its founding at the center of the township. He gave a number of interesting facts about the building itself, its construction, near-destruction and rebuilding, and about the great bell which is in the classic steeple, often pointed to as typical of the New England heritage of the Western Reserve settlements.

Following that informative talk, the group adjourned to go a short distance eastward on St. Rte 303 to view the progress being made on the Freedom Township Historical Society’s recently acquired schoolhouse/church/derelict property which is being restored and renovated to serve as a meeting place and repository for collected items of historical significance in Freedom Township. John Zizka and Pete Thornton led the tour and described the fine points of the rehabilitation effort. The virtually-all-volunteer work being done is quite remarkable; new points of interest are being found all of the time. Many community contributions are making it all happen and it should be quite the showplace when completed.

The next regular JAGHS meeting will be on September 17. More work and discussion of the approaching Christmas Walk will, no doubt, be on the agenda. Come to see—at the Mott Building on Main Street, Garrettsville, 7:30 p.m.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography