Home Garrettsville JAG Sixth Graders Visit Hiram College’s “World’s Fair”

JAG Sixth Graders Visit Hiram College’s “World’s Fair”


The faculty and students of Hiram College, along with The Hiram Community Trust, recently teamed up with Mrs. Summer Wasko and the sixth grade staff to provide Garfield Elementary sixth graders with an experience in cultural diversity that they will not soon forget. The Hiram College “World’s Fair” captivated students’ interest and helped them gain a better understanding of life outside the USA.

Under the leadership of the Education Department’s Kathleen Maretka, Hiram students from eight different countries set up displays and shared a wide variety of information about their homeland. Students rotated through each country’s presentation and collected stickers to add to the “passports” that they created prior to the trip. Students were also given the opportunity to try their hand at origami and map puzzles. The Hiram Community Trust provided students with transportation, lunch, and gift bags.

After traveling to the cafeteria for lunch, students headed to the auditorium to cap off the day by watching Hiram students perform on stage. Songs, dance, and music from all over the world revealed to JAG students how big a part the performing arts are to each culture. A few students even had the chance to go on stage and try their hand playing the African drums.

Thanks to these three groups working together, JAG students were provided a fun and enriching experience that helped them see the world in a different way.


Anton Albert Photography