Home Portage County JAG Retirees Meet For Annual Luncheon

JAG Retirees Meet For Annual Luncheon


Organized and invited by Paula Cline, a fine representation of the retirees of the James A. Garfield School District faculty and staff—the James A. Garfield Retired Employees Association—gathered on August 29, 2017 at Roby Lee’s in Newton Falls. After the traditional group picture, everyone adjourned to the dining area to get down to business, such as it was.

Twenty-two were in attendance to enjoy lunch together, trade information on families and former students, catch up on the latest adventures with free time and share highlights of their current histories. Accomplishments of all sorts were lauded and details of who’s doing what, where then made the rounds.

Contributions were made to the scholarship fund to be awarded to graduating seniors heading into the field of education; two were presented this spring. Bob Simon, retired guidance counselor, took the opportunity to distribute tokens of appreciation from his Knights of Columbus organization to members who had served in the military or had family members who had done so.

The group parted with good wishes for the coming year and vows to gather once again in 2018.

Iva Walker