Home Freedom JAG Kindergarten Registration

JAG Kindergarten Registration


Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call 330-527-2184 for a registration appointment.

If you are preparing to transition your child to kindergarten, consider the five following basic skills which are crucial for academic for success in kindergarten. Your child should acquire these basic skills before coming to kindergarten. Your child should be able to:

  1. Write his/her first name
  2. Identify most letters of the alphabet
  3. Recognize basic shapes & colors
  4. Count to 10
  5. Identify most numbers 0-9

Providing frequent opportunities to practice these skills through daily routine and experiences will help foster your child’s love of learning and prepare him/her for success in kindergarten.

If you have any questions about kindergarten readiness or registration, please call 330-527-2184 ext. 223 or 221.

Ted Lysiak