Home Garrettsville JAG Historical Society Sets Date for Opening of the 1924 Time Capsule

JAG Historical Society Sets Date for Opening of the 1924 Time Capsule


The September 18, 2023 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society opened with discussion about the ongoing consideration of what is to be done with/about the recently-discovered tombstones of founder John Garrett and his wife, Eleanor, as well as the upcoming opening of the time capsule near the clock tower, which is slated for 2024. There has, apparently, been some interest from local media, the Cemetery Association and the Village will have input; plans are being made and researched. The work continues.

Owen Bass, summer intern, will be finishing his projects; Jim Vincent will be presenting a program on James A. Garfield; Scott Lawless may be contacted for a program on his recent book; the program committee will be meeting to finalize more.

The group voted to purchase a brick–large–for the Buckeye Block legacy project, possibly interested in moving the historical marker about the maple industry currently near the Mott Building nearer to the Buckeye Block. More discussion about planting a maple tree and where to plant it; consult with Garden Club?

The JAGHS Mott Building being open on first Saturdays during October, November and December, volunteers for the service were accepted, to be in the building from ten a.m. until noon to greet the public. Hours will resume again in the Spring, say, April.

July 6, 2024 is the date set for the opening of the 1924 time capsule. All of the plans are now in flux–it will be exciting. Stay tuned. Mark your calendars. Make it a big Independence Day in G-Ville…and another 100 to come!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography