Home Garrettsville JAG Historical Society News

JAG Historical Society News


The October 16, 2023 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society included an array of topics for consideration, opening with the discussions/arrangements under way for the opening of the 1924 Time Capsule on July 6, 2024. Local author Scott Lawless will be working with the group, fund-raising efforts are being considered (with individual donations first on the list) and should be firmed up ASAP; other groups/historical societies will be consulted about their experience with time capsules. Committees are hard at work.

There is a new delay with the repair/replacement/ refurbishment of the building sign; a timeline and/or deadline will be considered before a change of artisans. There is a new sign-up for committees to be working on such things as budget and membership, etc. Jim Vincent is working on a presentation to schools (specifically the James A. Garfield Schools, to start)on James A. Garfield. November 20 is being declared an Ohio holiday, as it is James A. Garfield’s birthday.

Donations were accepted from Tim Smith (pix), Theresa Reed Stutzman (business receipts), tableware (Kathy & Larry Angel), Mike Cooper (Amstutz Hatchery sign). The third grade tour of the building…and the town…was a success, with plenty of questions…and answers.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography