Home Garrettsville JAG Historical Society News

JAG Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society is looking for a secretary. Interested volunteers should come to the next regular meeting on March 18, 2024, pencil sharpened, ready to “get historical”, saving the records of the organization–that’s historical from the get-go. C’mon down and get started.

The biggest topics at the JAGHS right now are the Time Capsule Opening Event–July 6, 2024, and the upcoming Christmas Walk- yes it’s THIS year, first two weekends in November. Plans for both of these events are rolling along and are in need of plenty of volunteers to make the occasions as great as they deserve to be; one is one hundred years in the making and the other is a tradition over fifty years old…plenty historical. Come to the meeting March 18 to sign up and be a part of the festivity and history.

Changes are being made( the Candlelight Night may be gone), traditions are being observed(the Craft Show is still on.), prices are going up. 

The Charles E. Porter Scholarship topic has been set, essays will be returned by April 5 to be judged by the scholarship committee. 

During the Grand Parade at SummerFest, members (who have all been designated Grand Marshals of the event) will be sporting T-shirts from the Business Works. Sign up to get yours. The official printer of the JAGHS has died and will be replaced ASAP. 

The Time Capsule team is working on all kinds of problems and suggestions–contents, size, viewing, etc.–volunteers are being sought. Come to a meeting and bring your 2 cents-worth when you volunteer to be part of the event. History doesn’t happen without people. Come be part of it.


Anton Albert Photography