JA Garfield Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on October 17 to hit the ground running to the Christmas Walk coming up on the first two weekends in November (Nov. 4, 5 & 6, Nov. 11, 12 & 13, with the Candle Light Tour on Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m.).Crafters are signed up for the Craft Show to be held in the Village Hall.  Many thanks to Brandi Evans for her efforts; Maureen See is head of the operation.  Tickets for the Candle Light Tour are available from Kit Semplak and at the  Garrettsville Bookstore.  Work continues at all of the tour sites—The Johnson Home on Pioneer Trail, the Bejger home on Hewins Rd., the Yarnell home on  Garfield Drive and the Pelphrey Home on South Park Blvd. as well as the Garrettsville United  Methodist Church on Park Ave. which is serving lunches, desserts, sandwiches and beverages for the walkers.  Appreciation to Lynda Read who corrected a whole stack of flyers that were misinformed

In regular business, the group heard that the NEOInter-Museum Council will be coming to the area for a luncheon/planning/board meeting.  Thanks went to Kathy and John Zizka, Gene Semplak and Bob Schnell for the work on getting the new shutters up on the Bonnet Shoppe/ research facility recently; the sign for the location is still in the works.  The measurements for the for the awning project are being taken.  The JAGHS board meeting will be on November 21.  John Zizka is seeking historical pictures of a building in Drakesburg/Freedom to determine something of its provenance as a church.  The rental property over the Bonnet Shoppewill be getting upgrades for the winter; spring will see further work.  The group will be considering  the adoption of a policy concerning on-loan exhibits.  The annual Christmas Party will be held on December 19 at 6:00 in Cal’s II, pending final arrangements.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography