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J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on Monday, September 19, in the historic Mott Building, Main St., Garrettsville, to conduct the following business :

Papers and permits for the awning and shutters to be added to “the Bonnet Shoppe”( research center) are in the process of being obtained and  these additions will be completed as soon as possible.

On with the Christmas Walk!  Flyers are being circulated—there are lots—but a correction is needed :  The church providing refreshment and lunches will be the Garrettsville United Methodist Church on Park Avenue.  Unforeseen circumstances forced the change to this venue, but certainly, the hospitality provided will be as gracious  and delicious as the earlier printed location.  Crafters are still needed for the craft show in the Village Hall; contact Maureen See 330-527-4674.  Volunteers are needed for all aspects and all hours of the Walk; sign-ups are on now.

The third grade from James A. Garfield Elementary School will be touring the Mott Building on October 13 to get acquainted with history “up close and personal”.  This is an annual event and is part of the social studies curriculum that interests both students and parents.

Silver Frog Studios on Main St. Garrettsville attended the meeting, seeking access to some of the Society’s documents and  pictures to create  materials of local interest and historical significance to the benefit and understanding of the Society and the community.  Their expertise in preservation, restoration and reproduction of old and delicate materials—pictures, photos, newspapers, certificates, correspondence & diaries, for instance—could  make a considerable contribution to the Society’s collection and its use to those interested in our historical heritage.

Mr. Bil Hurd and his sister Kathi donated a piece of memorabilia found in settling their mother’s estate, a box with the logo of the Rainbow Arena, a roller rink formerly found on Water St. in Garrettsville, and a set of skates inside.  Those were good times for someone.

There were several items donated by the Smith family on the passing of Martha Smith, one of which advertised the cost of a night at the movies at the old Opera House.  Cost of seeing the latest flick was 27 cents, tax, 3 cents, for a grand total of 30 cents.  Big night on High St.

There was a donation from Rosemary Rufo and one from the estate of Berry Buttrick.

The Northeast Ohio Museum Council has written, seeking to have a board meeting and a meal in Garrettsville, pursuant to their policy of traveling about the region to visit member organizations.  This would take place next October.  The JAGHS will take it under advisement to determine the feasibility of hosting such a gathering.  Could someone get The Mill up and running by then?  Let us hope.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography