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J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


Garrettsville – The James A. Garfield Historical Society met at the historic Mott Building on Monday, May 16 to deal with the following business :

• Refreshments for the Oral History Night to be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, May 18 (It was, by the way, well attended and very informative and interesting). The scheduled speakers  were Don Craver, Ed Baker, John Porter, Sandy Bray, Judy Toth(the Birthday Girl) and Carol Olin. Watch for a possible follow-up gathering with a new cast.

• The possibility of purchasing a camcorder or other video recording device to archive such events in the future.  President Debbie Smith is charged with making this purchase on behalf of the group.  A videographer would be good too.

• Volunteers for being on hand during SummerFest are being sought—Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 12-6 o’clock.  Sign up now.

• Ditto for the first Car Show on Main Street, Saturday, May 28, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

• Cindy Matson is on tap for decorating the front window during these festivities and matching the SummerFest theme, “Summer Fun for Everyone”.  Games and entertainment are likely in the mix.  No room for the ”ol’ swimmin’ hole”, however.  Trunks?  What trunks?

• Christmas Walk advertising was discussed.  It’s not too early to get a spot in the programs and the flyers.

• A communication was received from the Landmark Committee of Mantua concerning a speaker on historical homes who will be presenting a program on June 4 at 6:30 p.m.; open to the public.

• ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, Paper & Pine, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Home for the Holidays are the themes for the Christmas Walk Homes this year.  The Covenant Bible Fellowship will be the house of worship featured for 2016.  Everyone is invited!  Make plans now to attend…bring your friends!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography