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J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on November 19, 2012 at the historic Mott Building headquarters to conduct current business and a–you should pardon the expression–post mortem–of the recently-completed 2012 Christmas Walk.  

The event was well-attended; one thousand six hundred thirty-two tickets were sold and with most expenditures accounted for, the funds raised totaled over thirteen thousand dollars for the organization’s coffers, helping to maintain the group’s collections, records and facilities.

Among the topics covered : possibility of on-line ticket sales, confusion about the availability of the shuttle, map-reading skills, use of the Chamber of Commerce website, more press coverage, long driveways, lighting, benches available for individuals waiting for transportation, establishment of a “photo-op” spot at each location, luminarias on the village streets.  These topics and many more will be discussed as the time for the next (biennial) Christmas Walk approaches.  Rose Carnahan sent a list of the winners of the baskets which had been raffled off.  Many thanks were offered up for all those who volunteered for, participated in and contributed to the success of this year’s grand production.  Onward & Upward!

Donations  were received : Edna Felt’s diploma (Bonnie Oliver),old Garrettsville telephone directories (Ruth Sheehan), pictures (Jhon Kline).

New officers were  elected by acclamation : Kit Semplak, president; Lynn Fry, vice president; Cindy Matson, secretary; Connie Knop, treasurer.

The annual Christmas party will be held on December 12 at the community room of Garrett House.  All members invited.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography