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J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


Garrettsville – Pack up your favorite unique or antique mail and your forks, the James A. Garfield Historical Society’s May meeting will focus on postcards and pie, a show-and-tell with a twist.  If you’ve got a postcard with a pie on it–cherry stains don’t count–bring it on down to the Mott Building on Main St. on Monday, May 21 at 7:30 for the event.  If your postcard has something to do with local history, you’re in the running too.  If it’s just old, old and interesting, there’s a spot for you as well.  The more, the merrier!

Remember too that the Historical society will be open on May 5 and June 1 from ten until three o’clock for interested browsers.

The meeting on April 16 covered the topics above as well as the following:

There will be an official transfer of the clock tower to the village as soon as the village solicitor reviews and clears the paperwork.

A new estimate for copper roofing will be passed along to Council.  Insurance consequences will be looked into.

A thank you note will be going to Scott Lawless for the interesting program on the Beardsley Dairy last month.  He’s moving on to Spencer Dairy.  Should be interesting, as he’s got an actual local source.

Changes in the by-laws were accepted.

The photo-op event during SummerFest will be  an every-other-year thing, since preparations for the Christmas Walk will be under way by this June.

Bill Isler, of Windham, made a donation of an office chair from the medical practice of Dr. Elwell who was in Garrettsville Village until the late sixties or early seventies.

An offer of volunteer help for the memory garden between the Mott Building and the Hat Shop–both society holdings–was gratefully accepted.
Show-and-tell-standard version–was entertaining, with the appearance of Lynn Fry’s fireplace trivet, Jim Mayer’s antique, metal (in the original box) Slinky and  a paint remover gadget that brought about the original product safety regulations.  Jim also donated an old board advertising the IMPERIAL Plow Company, goods available at Norton & Paine in Garrettsville, Ohio.  Kit Semplak  had some of her research into her family genealogy.
It was a good old time.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography