The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on April 18, 2022 to discuss a range of topics :
? Submission of an application/entry in a contest sponsored by Sheeley’s in Aurora, for a project to be completed by the group. The Baptist Cemetery was a possible focus, as was the upcoming Local History Day.
? Local History Event will take place on May 15 at Village Hall, featuring Sug Gough, Sandy Bray, Jim Vincent and Jack Schultz. The public is invited from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Bring questions and memories.
? Readers for the Charles Porter Scholarship applications will meet on Thursday.
? The governing board is due to meet soon.
? JAGHS is seeking a Hiram College student–or other scholar–to intern for the summer and beyond ($500 per 120 hours).
? Chamber of Commerce will gather at the Mott Building on May 4 at 7:30 a.m. They will be refreshed…and enlightened.
? A fourth house is still needed for the Christmas Walk in November. Perfect incentive for anyone planning a renovation/major cleaning/family fandango for the holiday season. A JAGHS committee will be available to assist. Give it a shot. The 1920’s theme focussed on the Candlelight Walk could be a hoot and fun to do in other homes as well.
? The Christmas Walk Craft Show is beginning to gel. Sign up now.
? The Candlelight Walk will be open at $25.
? Saturday hours for the JAGHS are currently from 10 to 12; other times by appointment.
? There will be a “Cemetery Workshop” in Rootstown offered by Tim Floor, who is the expert working at the Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave.
? History Matters !