For any number of reasons, actually.
I have always said that I should not be allowed to go shopping unsupervised. Especially GROCERY shopping. Good Grief ! the stuff that’s out there for sale ! And not at bargain prices either. Eggs are only the tip of the iceberg…and a real expensive ol’ berg it is, for sure. For somebody who used to go with Mom to the A&P on Saturday nights (That’s when the farmers came to town) where the lady behind the counter brought you your container of oatmeal or the Campbell’s Soup that was on sale for 10 cents a can or the 20 # sack of potatoes or a sack of onions and it all got rung up on a cash register that dinged for every sale and spit out a paper receipt half a mile long(My mom checked those over before we left the store)…it’s a dizzying experience. Who knew that the American shopper can purchase–right off a shelf–a bag of seaweed snacks, bags of KitKat bars made to look like bunnies, genuine frozen god-only-knows-what-kind-of fish things, grain-free cereal (is that a contradiction in terms or what?), or imported fruit whizzbangs that are promised to be totally gluten-free? Well, hey, they’re out there. The Costco chocolate tuxedo bar cake looks pretty good too; have to try that one of these days–scientific inquiry, dontcha know.
Electronic gadgets, health & beauty nostrums, massage chairs, baby orchids, foliage plants for your greenhouse, imported dog beds, inflatable anythings, kitchen items that require engineering degrees—my question is, “Where do people store this stuff?” The pantry would have to be the size of the garage, the counter space would have to be expansive enough to land a Boing 747. Does it all get used?
No wonder our electric bills keep going up. Everything has to be plugged in and/or recharged. The really big warehouse stores are like DisneyLand for the credit card set. I need somebody to ride in my shopping cart and tell me to leave things on the shelf, just like my Mom used to do, or that since there’s only one of me (Thank goodness for small favors), I do not need to buy the giant economy size of anything (might make an exception for the KitKat bunnies). More on my savings plans later, so far they’re not working.