Home Portage County Islands of Flowers have Sprouted Around Town

Islands of Flowers have Sprouted Around Town


Ravenna – Lilies and Pansy and Zinnias…Oh my! Or should I say Oh, May!? The month of May seems to be the season for Spring here in town as we see delightful colors adorning the sidewalks. But why have these small patches of earth recently become a feast for the eyes? It all started with a bet between two men in the Summer of 2018; Sam Cipriano of Guido’s bet Don Everett, a recent Honorary Way recipient, as to how many merchants he could get to sponsor the overgrown flower bed areas called islands in front of area business.

As of May 2020, Everett has won the bet and that is how the Adopt-an-Island-Program was started. Up to 32 businesses, organizations and individuals have become involved with the ever-developing project. Everett was a man on a mission, so he went on down to City Hall and got approval, stating that  if businesses planted gardens and invested in city beautification nothing would be removed from the flower beds.

Ryann Kuchenbecker, Executive Director for the Area Chamber of Commerce, said it had been years since the flower beds had  been updated. He talked with Nancy Shaffer, the owner of Copper Kettle Antiques and Collectibles, and she was ecstatic about planting the flower beds. Everett recalled Shaffer was so excited she showed up the next day with dozens of flowers ready to plant.

The program has continued to bloom (pun intended) because of locals like Ravenna resident, Patty Roosa. She is on the Adopted-an-Island committee and her family takes care of at least two flower beds, one of which is the patriotic themed island in front of the Courthouse, ready just in time for Memorial Day. Everett endearingly calls Patty the “Queen of the Islands”, due to all her efforts on behalf of area beautification.

Roosa explained that the volunteers are trying to bring beauty and spirit back into town. Her specific flower bed themes change monthly or with the season. The Americana decorations up now will go into June for Flag Day and until the Forth of July, then a Summer theme is the next display. “The people appreciate the work we do. We have had cars stop at the light and holler out ‘Hey I like it!’,” she said with a heart-felt laugh.

Everett explained that all adopting a flower bed requires is putting in the work yourself and paying for any greenery that will be planted. Participants are also asked not to visually block traffic with any props they are putting in their design and to remove any out of season decorations.

Kuchenbecker said it is a huge project that has shown the community coming together. “We constantly have people who have called the Chamber office asking to adopt an island.” Everett explained that he actual has a waiting list for flower bed adoptions.

Susie Kohl, owner of Susie K’s Café and Tea Room, along with co-worker Ben Mancino, was out bright and early working hard to refresh the garden in front of the Chamber of Commerce on Saturday. “I planted about 50 bulbs a couple years ago, so I have a lot of daffodils and tulips that come up in the Spring. It is a tough piece of real estate,” she laughingly said. “The tree in the center soaks up a lot of the water and nourishment so I try to plant things that are hardy and will go well in that little spot. The goal was to try and plant something that will have color all Summer long.”

A special event called Island Day was supposed to be held on May 16th in Ravenna, but due to current issues it was, unfortunately cancelled. Many of the recently planted and designed flower-scapes can be seen along Main Street and side streets such as Prospect, Sycamore, Riddle and Chestnut.

Heather Scarlett