Home Columns & Editorials Is this Groundhog’s Day or April first?

Is this Groundhog’s Day or April first?


I never saw the movie, “Groundhog’s Day” but I gather that the premise of the whole thing was that the same events kept happening over and over again.  Beyond that, I am totally ignorant (not that this doesn’t apply to a whole lot of situations as well.) of the point of the film.  After the eleventeenth weather program warning of the dire conditions about to be visited upon us here in Northeast Ohio, I have to say that they’re all starting to sound altogether the same–sometimes scary, sometimes just a   warning of cold & sloppy across the board.  You name it, sleet, freezing rain, rain, something called graupel (a kind of precipitation consisting of brittle, white ice particles having a snow-like structure; soft hail), snow of various weight/fluffiness levels–just about anything cold and wet–; we’ve had it, and had it , and had it..  We have about HAD IT. 

‘Bout the most exciting thing shown in the OFA after Presidents’ Day is the beginning of Ramadan on the 28th, not that most of us would pay that much mind, or care. A wildlife note : skunks mate now.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

April 1st, of course, is often referred to as April Fool’s Day, with various guesses as to why it has received this sobriquet (Look it up.), many of them having to do with the change back in the eighteenth century from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, which we use today.  George Washington lost a birthday when the switch was made; something like two weeks were just lopped out of the calendar to make the ”new and improved” line-up of days start up and  more  nearly match the actual astronomical revolutions of the earth around the sun.  Otherwise we were all headed for celebrating Christmas somewhere around the middle of March.  Anybody who did not make the big switch on that April was derided as a “fool” for bring out of step with all the latest improvements. 

Right now, I’d settle for April first, weatherwise, at least.  “Fool”. I can do on my own. 

Iva Walker