Home We're All Invited We’re All Invited – Week of July 14th

We’re All Invited – Week of July 14th


Nature Camp at Hiram College
Register Today!
Nature Camps are an exciting and enjoyable way for children ages 3-10 to explore and learn about nature. We get kids crawling, wading and sloshing through habitats in search of critters that live in hidden areas. Camp runs July 31-August 4 for all ages. To register, contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003, sorrickmw@hiram.edu or visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram.

Hiram Village Community Garage Sale
The Hiram Recreation and Park Board is looking for vendors for the August 12th Hiram Community Garage Sale. 10’ x 10’ vendor space is $15 or reserve an advertising kit for your home garage sale for $10. Reservations must be made by Friday July 28th. For more information and to reserve your space contact Brian at 330-647-3222 or email bdgreg@aol.com

Vendors Wanted
Auburn Community Church will host an outdoor flea market Aug 5 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.at the church. Persons selling new items as well as used items are encouraged to participate. Spaces are 25 ft. wide and deep enough to park two regular-sized vehicles as well as vendor tables. Cost per space is $25.00. Food will be available. In the event of rain, the event will be held Aug 12. To reserve space (s), send your check along with your name, address, email and/or phone # and whether selling new or used items to Auburn Community Church, 11076 Washington St. Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023. If any questions call Auburn Community Church 440-543-1402

Firedevils Seeking Vendors
Auburn Firedevils, auxiliary to the Auburn Volunteer Fire Department, is hosting its sixth annual arts, crafts and consultants fair November 18 at Adams Halls, 11455 Washington St, Auburn Township, from 10 am to 4 pm.
We are seeking vendors for this fun event. Tables are $25 each. Tables and chairs are provided. There is plenty of parking for vendors and shoppers alike at this facility. For more info and a registration form, call Shelby DeCapite 440-543-7733 or email shelbydecapite@yahoo.com.

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more info call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Monday Breakfast at American Legion
Open to public $7.00 breakfast from 8-11:00am at the American Legion Post #674 in Windham. Menu: eggs ‘any style’, pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits, hash browns, bacon, sausage (patties and links) and white, wheat or rye toast and coffee, tea and juice. Call 330/326-3188 for info.

Men on Mondays
“Men on Mondays” a men’s Bible study is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry will be provided at no charge.

Every Tuesday
ST AMBROSE CHURCH 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– “Early bird” at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45p. Great refreshments!

BINGO At St Michael’s
Every Thursday
St. Michael’s Church Weekly Bingo at 7pm every Thursday at 9736 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288.

TOPS Meetings
TOPS OH#1941, Ravenna meets Thursday mornings in the fellowship hall of the Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88, Ravenna with weigh-in from 9-9:45 a.m. and a meeting/program following at 10:00 a.m. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization.

Revival In The Country
Third Sat. of Month
We wanted to invite ladies who want to be inspired to our group. It is called “Revival in the Country”. It is a ladies group that meets the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9 am to noon.
Women from any walk of life are invited to come and join us. There is no church affliation required. We meet at the Cellar Door Coffee House 9 am to noon. There will be refreshments and, of course, coffee! Music and inspirational messages will be shared.

Join us at the Cellar Door Coffee Co to play Euchre on Sundays from 1:30-3:30 pm. All are welcome!
Crestwood Class of 1977 Reunion
July 14 & 15
Crestwood High School Class of 1977 will be celebrating their 40th class reunion on July 14th and 15th. Friday – Jake’s Restaurant in Mantua, Saturday – Candlelight Winery in Garrettsville. Total cost for both nights is $35.00 Invitations have been sent out, but addresses may not be correct. Please contact Mary Mesaros Hannah at (330) 883-9297 for more details and to RSVP.

Outdoor Flea Market
July 14 – 16
Ravenna Moose Lodge #1234
5727 State Route 14, Ravenna, Ohio 44266 is hosting an outdoor flea market on July 14 – 9am to 5pm, July 15 – 9am to 5pm, July 16 – 10am to 3pm
$40.00 for a spot (all 3 days) – 12 x 12 space. Bring own table & chairs for set-up – You can bring a canopy – you will be in direct sunlight. OPEN TO PUBLIC. Questions? Make reservations? Contact – Mary at mtassone@kent.edu

Free Clothing
July 15
The next free clothing giveaway will be held on July 15 at the old Mantua Center school building on Mantua Center Rd. We open at 9 am and end at noon. Think about school starting soon and come to shop for “new” school clothes. We have both genders and all sizes! Free to all! No questions asked.

Fort Huntsburg Band To Perform
July 15
Fort Huntsburg Band will perform at the Huntsburg Grange concert on Saturday, July 15 at 6 p.m. in the Bandstand at the corner of Rt. 322 and Rt. 528. International food. Church bake sale. Rain or shine. For details call 440-636-5517.

Ice Cream Social
July 15
Lordstown Lutheran Church, 5615 Palmyra Rd., Lordstown will hold an Ice Cream Social from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday July 15. There will be turkey sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, bake beans, macaroni salad, homemade pies & ice cream. A bake sale will also be held.

Mantua Farmers Market
July 15
The Mantua Farmers Markets will begin on Saturday, July 15 and run each Saturday until September 30. Christ Lutheran Church sponsors the markets in their parking lot at 10827 North Main Street, Mantua. Visit us from 9 am – 1 pm during the season. Vendors are welcome for $5 a date. All fees will be used by the Church to help repay the loan for the handicapped entrance. Call Diane at 330-274-2868 for info.

Vendors Needed
July 15 & 16
Mantua Restoration Society will hold it’s 3rd Annual Flea Market on July 15 & 16 from 9am to 4pm at the former school Mantua Center Community Building. Looking for Vendors selling new items as well as used items. Crafters are also encouraged to attend. A 4×8 Indoor Table costs $20 a day/$35 for both days and a 15×30 Outdoor Space for $15 a day/$25 for both days. Friday set-up available. Food and drinks will be served. For further information contact Matt 330(281)-9331 or Jan (330)858-8394

Hiram School Reunion
July 16
For anyone who attended Hiram School, the 24th Annual Hiram School Reunion will be held, Sunday July 16, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Troy Community Center, 13950 Main Market (St. Rt. 422), Welshfield, (Troy Twp.) Ohio 44021. Beverages, meat and table service will be provided. Those with last names A through R, please bring salad, fruit or vegetables. Last names S through Z, please bring a dessert. Classes celebrating milestones: 1942 – 75th, 1947 – 70th, 1952 – 65th, 1957 – 60th, 1962 – 55th, 1967 – 50th. If questions, contact Maryann – 330-569-7057, Barbara – 330-296-3732, Gary – 330-527-4457.

Free Community Meal
July 17
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, will be hosting their Free Community Meal on Monday, July 17, August 21 and September 18 from 5 to 6:30 pm. All are welcome to come and enjoy a delicious meal and the opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors.

Film Review & Discussion Group
July 17
Monday, July 17th at 9:30am. Dr J Patella presents and reviews the 83 minute film: THE LIVING MATRIX. You’ll discover the intricate web of factors that determine our well-being and explore innovative ideas about health. Please join us for a stimulating exchange of impressions and opinions at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave, the 3rd Monday of every month at 9:30am for our monthly Film Review and Discussion Group. Questions – call the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Tree City Carvers Picnic
July 18
Tree City Carvers will hold their Annual Picnic and meeting on July 18, 6:00 pm at Fred Fuller Park, Middlebury Rd., Kent. This picnic-meeting is open to the public, but all should be prepared to bring a covered dish to share or contribute to the collection bucket. For more info: call Larry Hurd 330-297-7905

Sports Physicals
July 19
Advanced Rehab and Health Specialists will be offering sports physicals on July 19 from 2-6 pm for $30 (family discounts available). These physicals are by appointment only – please call 330-274-2747 to schedule your physical.

“Pearl Harbor Death”
July 20
Everyone is invited to attend a special program sponsored by the James A. Garfield Historical Society. The topic is “Pearl Harbor Death” and is given by Lucille Van Alstine. It is going to be held at the Nelson Community House on Thursday July 20, 2017 starting at 6:30. Everyone will learn something with this most interesting local WWII connection.

A Moveable Feast
July 21
Geauga County Public Library is hosting a birthday celebration on Hemingway’s birthday and the community is invited! On July 21, at 7 p.m.Celebrate Ernest Hemingway’s birthday in style with a moveable feast of food, music and fun at one of the Geauga Park District’ scenic locations – Orchard Hills Park, 11340 Caves Rd., Chesterland. This event is likely to fill to capacity. Registration is required at GeaugaLibrary.net (click the green “Register for an event” tile) or call 440-729-4250. Cost: Free. Ages: 21 and older

Ox Roast Fair
July 21 – 23
Plan to attend the largest, three-day fair in Northern Portage County where you’ll enjoy delicious food and find family fun for all ages. St. Joseph’s Ox Roast Fair in Mantua begins on July 21, 6:00 to 11:30 p.m., July 22 1:00 to 11:30 p.m., and July 23, Noon to 10:00 p.m. The Parish Community of St. Joseph’s at 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. is located in Mantua Twp. off Pioneer Trail. For more information, please check out St. Joseph’s website www.stjosephmantua.com, find us on Facebook (St. Joseph’s Ox Roast Fair), or phone the parish office at 330-274-2253.

July 21-23; 28&29
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is proud to present “Godspell” – July 21, 22, 28 and 29 at 7pm and July 23, 2017at 2pm. Adult tickets are $10.00 and children under 12 and seniors are $7.00. Groups of 15 or more are $5.00 apiece. “Godspell” is sponsored by Ryser Insurance and Ohio Health Benefits. All performances are held in the James A Garfield’s Iva Walker Auditorium. Tickets available at the door or by calling 216-375-0709. Direction of Godspell is by Justin Steck and musical direction by Florence Janosik.

Revival In The Country Meeting
July 22
Please join us July 22 at 9a.m.
at the Cellar Door Coffee Company on Garrettsville where published author Carol J. Byler will speak about her personal life story “Secret Witness the Steele Murder Case” Her story has encouraged women for over 25 years. She has been on T.V. & radio. She visits the local jails to share her journey of freedom from VICTIM to VICTOR.

Crafting with Marian
July 22
Join us at the Garrettsville Library for the next Crafting with Marian program on Saturday, July 22 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Make a beautiful painted t-shirt using flowers and leaves for stamps on a gray t-shirt. All supplies will be provided. Although there is a $5 fee to reserve a seat (refunded the day of the program), this program is free and open to all adults. Call 330-527-4378 to reserve your seat today.

July 24-27
MiddlefieldUMC is welcoming everyone to “be a HERO” Mon. thru Thu. , July 24-27, 6:30 – 8:30pm with Bible Stories, crafts, games, snacks, singing and FUN! 14999 S State Ave. Details at 440-632-0480.

Maker Fun VBS
July 24-28
A summer kids’ event called Maker Fun Factory VBS will be hosted at Christian Life Center from July 24 to July 28. Pre-Registration Dates July 2 -23. Everyone who pre-registers GETS a PRIZE! Maker Fun Factory is for kids from 4 to 12 and will run from 6:30pm to 8:30pm each day. For more information, call 330-678-9234.

Vacation Bible School
July 24 – 28
Pricetown United Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd., Newton Falls, will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School from July 24 thru
July 28, 2017 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship. This year’s Theme is: “HERO CENTRAL” DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTH IN GOD. Youngsters (age 4 thru 12th grade) are invited to meet Jesus. For more information: 330-872-3801

Free Community Dinner
July 25
A free community dinner will be held on July 25, 5-6 pm (while supplies last) at Windham American Legion, 9960 Center Street. EVERYONE WELCOME!

Community Dinner
July 27
The Renaissance Family Center at 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Ohio is providing a Community Dinner on July 27th. Wendy is in the kitchen cooking up some fine food for everyone. Time is 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Come on down to chat and chew.

Annual Rummage Sale
July 28 & 29
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, will be sponsoring their Annual Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, July 28-29 from 9 am – 1 pm. Their will be a large selection of many items. Come and browse and you will probably find some wonderful treasures.

Friends and Family Annual Party & Bowling Alley Weekend
July 28, 29, 30
Hosted by the James A Garfield Class of 1975 the Big party starts 5pm, Friday July 28th at Skylane Bowling with Arrowhead taking the stage at 8pm. Saturday July 29th arrive at Black Iron Grille Steakhouse between 5:30-6pm for a casual dinner. Reservations are required, contact Sam McGarvey 330/469-8763. Sunday July 30th Pot Luck Picnic at the Village Park by the library. Set up at 11:00 and eat at Noon until dusk. Everyone is Welcome!

Farm to Table Nibble & Sip
July 29
Please join us for our Farm to Table Nibble & Sip to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard on Saturday July 29th at 5:00pm at Candlelight Winery. Enjoy a menu designed to showcase a wide variety of locally sourced foods along with craft beers and wine. Pre-sale tickets (purchased before July 24th) are $25 each or $45 per couple. Tickets purchased after July 24th are $30 each or $55 per couple. Includes appetizers, desserts, five wine/beer tasting tickets and a souvenir wineglass. Extra wine/beer tasting tickets will be available for purchase. The evening will also include a themed Basket Auction. Take your chance at winning Indians tickets, a casino slot machine, restaurant gift cards and much more! Purchase tickets online at www.NGCCPortage.org or in person at Candlelight Winery.


Brittany Myers Poker Run
Aug 5
The 16th Annual Brittany Myers Memorial Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 5th
Registration starts at 10AM at Timeout Sports Bar 7160 SR 303 Windham OH. All proceeds go toward the Brittany Myers Scholarship Fund at J.A.G. For more info Contact: Jamie Cain @ 330-221-6338

Free School Supply Giveaway
Aug 6
Free school supply giveaway – while supplies last — Sunday, Aug 6, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Children must be present! Newton Falls American Legion
2025 East River Road. Sponsored by St. Nicholas Samaritan Outreach in co-operation with Newton Falls American Legion

Corn Roast
Aug 12
A Corn Roast and Brat activity will be held by Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, on Saturday, August 12, from 5 to 8 pm. Please come and enjoy an evening of food and fellowship. The event is free and all are welcome to join us. The activity will be held rain or shine.

Rivers Casino Bus Trip
Aug 18
The Mantua K of C Women’s Auxiliary is hosting a bus trip to Rivers Casino, Pittsburgh, PA, on Friday, August 18. The cost is $40.00 per person and each attendee will receive $20.00 in free play. The group will depart from the Sentinel Party Center (AKA the K of C Hall), 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua, OH 44255, at 9:00 a.m. and return by 6:00 p.m. Please call 330-274-4982 and leave a message to reserve your seat.

Motor Cycle Poker Run
Sept. 2
Gun Raffle 50/50, Chinese Auction, cost $20 per person and includes steak dinner and the run. Sponsored by 7 Masonic Lodges in the 25th District. ALL money’s go to children in the Special Olympics. Run starts at Western Reserve Lodge #507, 216 East Main St. in West Farmington. Registration starts at 8:30am. For more info call Cary 330/883-8176 or George 330/565-3860.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography