Home We're All Invited We’re All Invited: Upcoming Community Events (Week of 4/8/16)

We’re All Invited: Upcoming Community Events (Week of 4/8/16)


Northern Portage Relay For Life
Register Today!
The 2016 Northern Portage Relay for Life 5k & 1 Mile run event will take place at Sunny Lake Park on May 7th, starting at 8:30AM. Anyone wishing to participate should register online at www.NPortageRFL5k.
Each participant will receive the 2016 event t-shirt and runner package. Anyone who signs up for the 5K will receive a 2016 custom finisher medal and official race bib, as well as official race timing to track individual finishing times. This year 5K runners have a chance to win a prize for being the fastest finisher in their age group. The top 3 male and top 3 female finishers in the 5K will also receive additional prizes.

Storytime at Maplewood Christian Church
Second Tues. of Month
Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. email gzimcosky@gmail.com or call 330-297-6424 with questions.

The Friends of Melana 5k Run/1 Mile Walk
Register Today!
The Friends of Melana Foundation is organizing the 6th Annual Friends of Melana 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to be held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, at Garrettsville Summerfest. All proceeds go towards research for children’s glioma brain cancer. Event registration can be done on line at www.2016friendsofmelana5k.eventbrite.com. Registration will also take place the day of the event on the front lawn of St. Ambrose rectory on Freedom St. in Garrettsville. Come out and help support a great cause. Call Norm Fashing at 330.527.8093 for more information.

JA Garfield 55th Class Reunion
Register by May 18
The James A Garfield class of 1961 will celebrate their 55th class reunion on June 11 at Roby Lee’s at 6 pm. There will be a picnic June 12 at the Silver Creek Winery at 1 pm. Reservations are due by May 18. Contact Connie Leedom at 330-274-2821.

Am. Legion Breakfast
Legion Aux Post 674 in Windham will serve breakfast on Monday mornings from 7- 11 am $7.00 for full menu; $5.00 for limited; Includes coffee, juice and water. Everyone welcome !

Community Center Open!
The Community Center at Mantua Center is free and open to all, every Tuesday in the old Mantua Center School building on Center Road north of SR82. If your group is looking for space to gather or do a project, come check us out. Doors open at 9:00, and the coffee pot is soon on. Painting group meets at 9:30. Potluck lunch is at noon. We’re always working on a jigsaw puzzle, and various sewing projects, cards or Scrabble are available. We’ve been closing at about 2:00, but could stay open later if there is interest.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Garden Club Welcomes New Members
Fourth Weds. of Month
Silver Creek Garden Club welcomes new members. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month. Members enjoy speakers, gardening, visiting gardens and garden centers. If you are a lover of flora and fauna please join us. For more information all Barb @ 330-527-2802

Village Piecemakers Quilt Club
Third Tuesday of Month
Whether you are a new quilter or experienced all are welcome to learn, help another and share your passion for quilting. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at the Garrettsville Village Hall on High Street. For more information call Barb @ 330-527-2802

A Treasure Trove of Terrific Things Rummage Sale.
April 7 -9
Rummage sale will be held at the Pricetown Church, 4640 Pritchard Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, April 7th & 8th, 9am to 5pm and April 9th, 9am to 12 noon. Saturday will be bag day. Bake sale and lunch counter Thursday and Friday.

American Legion Meeting
April 8
American Legion Post 193 will hold its monthly meeting at 7 pm on April 8 at the post home.

Hiram College Spring Choral Concert
April 8
The Hiram College Chamber and Community Singers and the Newark-Granville Symphony Orchestra will present John Rutter’s Requiem on Friday, April 8th, at 7:30 pm in Hayden Auditorium, 11715 Garfield Rd., Hiram, Ohio. The concert will also feature Gabriel Faure’s “Cantique de Jean Racine” and the “Andantino” from Leon Boellman’s Second Suite for Organ -Second Suite, op 27. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information please contact the Hiram College Music Department at 330.569.5294 or email MillerLL@hiram.edu

Quarter Auction Fundraiser
April 9
Parents of Troop #124 will be holding a Quarter Auction Fundraiser on April 9 at the United Methodist Church on Ridge Road in Newton Falls, OH. Admission is $6 per person, doors open at 5pm and the auction begins 6pm. For tickets or more information call Louanne at 330-872-1353 or Teresa at 330-503-9388

Spring Fashion Show
April 10
The Women’s Auxiliary of the Mantua Knights of Columbus Council #3766 is holding a Spring Fashion Show on Sunday, April 10, 2016 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the Mantua Knights of Columbus Hall, 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua. This event will include a light luncheon, beverages, home-made desserts, door prizes and much more. You will be able to shop with many local vendors and enjoy a full fashion show from Dress Barn and Maurices.
Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased prior to the event by contacting Mary Dickey at auntieyram@aol.com or call 330-592-1631. Proceeds from this event will help fund many charitable projects within our community.

Pancake & Sausage Breakfast
April 10
Pancake and sausage breakfasts will be held at the American Legion Home on Goodwin St. in Burton. April 10 from 9 am – 1:30 pm. Call Ron at 440-343-1478 for prices.

“Crafting with Marian”
April 11
Crafters are invited to the Garrettsville Library for the next “Crafting with Marian” craft program on Monday, April 11 from 5:00 pm until 7:30 pm. This month’s craft will feature turning a book into a unique, beautiful planter. Bringing live plants into your home can be soothing and add beauty to your home. When finished, you can go home with a beautiful plant and a feeling of success in making something unique. Led by Marian Philips of “Crafting with Marian”, the project is fun and supplies are free. There is $5.00 refundable fee to register (refunded on the day of the program). Seats are limited so sign up soon. Call 330-527-4378 to register or for more information.

Crescent Chapter Meeting
April 11
Garrettsville Crescent Chapter No. 7 OES will meet Monday, April 11 beginiing at 6:30 pm with a pot luck dinner according to Lou Ann Kilgore, Worthy Matron. The meeting is at the Masonic Temple in Garrettsville.

American Legion Aux. Meeting
April 11
The Legion Post 193 Auxiliary will meet Monday, April 11 at 1 pm. Members are encouraged to attend.

PERI Luncheon
April 13
PERI (Public Employee Retirees, Inc.) Chapter 63, will meet April 13, Noon, at the Ravenna Elks Lodge, 776 N. Freedom St. Full meal, $14, reservations required by April 11: call Shirley at 330-235-6345. Visit with other retirees and hear current PERS and PERI news. Speaker Bev Calvert, President of PERI State Board of Trustees, will inform as to “Exciting things are happening at PERI”. Yearly membership is $5 and all public employee retirees are welcome.

Appalachian Experience Rummage Sale
April 13 & 14
The Appalachian Experience group is hosting a Huge Rummage Sale at the Mantua Knights of Columbus Hall (11845 St. Rt. 44) on Wednesday, April 13, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., and Thursday, April 14, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Donations of clean, usable items (no TV’s) are appreciated and may be dropped off at the front entrance of the K of C Hall on Monday, April 11, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., and Tuesday, April 12, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., or by appointment. Volunteers are needed to help set up, sort items, work during sale hours, and for clean up afterward. For further information, please contact Margery Cleary (330-274-7274) or Dan & Seán Fejes (330-274-2481 or sfejes24@gmail.com).

Steak Cookout
April 16
Newton Falls Kiwanis Club Annual Steak Cookout, Saturday, April 16, 2016, at (new location) Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, Newton Falls, from 4-7 p.m. Dinner includes steak, salad, potato, corn, dessert, and beverage, all for $15. Proceeds benefit our spring youth events and two scholarships. Carryout available. Tickets available at the door.

Swiss Steak Dinner
April 16
The Nelson United Methodist Church located on the circle in Nelson Twp. will be having a Swiss steak dinner on April 16 from 4-6 pm. Adults: $10; Children 6-12: $6; Kids under 5 are free. Carry out available.

Geauga County Fundraiser Breakfast
April 17
The Geauga County Fundraiser breakfast will be held at the American Legion Home on Goodwin St. in Burton. April 17 from 9 am – 1:30 pm. Call 440-313-2095 for prices.

Film Review / Discussion
April 18
Monday, April 18th at 10:30am Garrettsville YMCA invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for the following FREE event: The DOCUMENTARY: ZIGHIEST gives an interesting view on how a few American banks have seized world power at the beginning of the 20th century and relates these topics to big wars that have been fought in that century! The Film Review and Discussion Group is presented by Dr J Patella and meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 10:30am. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Home Cooked Supper
April 20
The next home cooked supper at Pricetown Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, will feature meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls, homemade dessert and beverage. Dinner will be held from 5-6:00pm on April 20.
The cost is $7 for adults, $5 for children 10 and younger.Carry-outs will be available.

April 20-May 25
St. Ambrose Church will be offering to the community a grief gathering on Wednesday evenings, April 20 through May 25, from 7 to 9 pm in the church hall. Linda R. Simpson, a parishioner, will be facilitating the six weekly sessions of continuous information and support for grieving individuals. This beautiful, gentle program is a wonderful “first step” in helping yourself, or assisting another, through the difficult journey of grieving a loss. It would be helpful in our planning if interested participants would call the rectory (330-527-4105), leaving your name and telephone number.

Copperweld Retirees Meeting
April 21
The retirees of Local 2243 USWA Copperweld Steel Co will have their regularly scheduled meeting on April 21 at 1 pm at the Windsor House, 235 Champion Ave East. Our speaker will be Chief Hickey from the Champion Fire Dept.

Huntsburg Congregational Church Rummage Sale
April 21-23
Annual Rummage and Bake Sale at Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road. (Rt. 528 1/4 mile south of Rt. 322) April 21, 22, and 23 9 AM – 4 PM Thursday and Friday. Bag Day 9 AM – noon Saturday

Mayfield Church Rummage Sale
April 21 – 23
A Rummage Sale will be held at the Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland, on April 21 – 23.
The hours are Thursday (9 am – 4 pm), Friday (9 am – 6 pm) and Saturday – Bag Day (9am – noon). The sale has something for everyone. All proceeds are for missions.

Spaghetti And A Show
April 22
On hearing of the many people in need in our community and the part the The Ravenna First United Methodist Church can play in helping them, Cathy Rufener is organizing an event called “Spaghetti and a Show”. It includes a spaghetti dinner, a variety show, a silent auction and a live auction with Jerry Cross as auctioneer. It will be held on Friday, April 22nd, 4:30-7:30. Tickets are $10. Children 6 and under free. It promises to be a fun evening and a chance to help someone less fortunate.

Open House & Rummage Sale
April 23
Huntsburg Grange #2541 is holding its annual Open House and Rummage Sale on April 23, 2016 from 10 until 2 at the Huntsburg Town Hall, Corner Rt. 528 and Rt 322. Lunch available.

Mantua Restoration Meeting
April 23
Everyone is invited and welcome to the Annual Meeting of The Mantua Restoration Society, Inc., on April 23 at the historic Mantua Township School, 11741 Mantua Center Road. Gather at noon, light refreshments. Meeting at 1:00. Guest speaker: Dan Tillett, co-chair of the Building Assessment Committee for the renovation and use of the school. Hear about the exciting things coming this year, and see what The Mantua Restoration Society, Inc., and The Mantua Historical Society have accomplished in moving towards making the school building a community center.

Free Clothes
April 23
The next free clothing giveaway will be held on April 23 at the Community Center Bldg. at the old Mantua Center School. Giveaway is from 9 am – Noon and is for anyone in need of nice, gently used (or new) clothes. No questions ever asked; no money exchanged.

Brick by Brick Auction
April 23
Windham Brick by Brick Scholarship fund 3rd annual kitchen and bath cabinets charity auction will be held April 23 at the Windham Hardware. View at 9 am, Auction at 10:30 am. Additional cabinets can be bought at Home Depot. Details at McGuire GMC website.

2016 Gemboree
April 23 & 24
The 2016 Gemboree will be held on April 23-24, Emidio & Sons Expo Center, 48 Bath Road, Cuyahoga Falls. Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-5. There will be Door Prizes & Silent Auctions throughout both days. Bring the entire family and make it a day full of learning, shopping and enjoying your way around the show. Children can make a gem tree, visit our gem mine and look through the giant kaleidoscope. As always – Free Parking. Adults $5, Seniors (55+) and Students (15+) $4, children 7-14 $1, Children under 7 & Scouts in uniform – Free.

Crescent Chapter Inspection
April 25
Crescent Chapter No. 7 OES will hold its annual inspection on Monday, April 25 at 7:30 pm at the Mantua Masonic Temple on John Edward Drive.

Auditions for Footloose
April 25 & 26
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre announces the auditions for “Footloose” will be April 25 and 26 at 7pm. Director, Justin Steck and Music Director, Joel Logan. High school age and up. 30 seconds to 1 minute monologue and 32 bars of a song. All dancers are welcome. For more information contact Director, Justin Steck at (216) 310-1913.

Trip To Berlin
April 26
The Hiram Lunch Bunch is sponsoring a Berlin Trip on April 26. Meet at Garrettsville IGA parking lot. Bus leaves 7:30am promptly and will be back at IGA 7:30pm. Cost is $25.00 Call Laura King for reservations 330-541-6362. No refunds..replace yourself if necessary.

Free Community Dinner
April 26
A free community dinner will be held on April 26 from 5-6 pm or while supplies last. Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St. EVERYONE WELCOME!

Crappie Tournament
April 30
2016 Crappie Tournament hosted by the Pymatuning Lake Association will be held April 30, 2016. First Place is $500 (five fish total weight) First Place single fish is $200 with 10 total prizes. Weigh-in and late registration(6am to 8am) is the Espyville Boat Launch(south east side of causeway.) Entry Fee per team is $45 ($5 late fee.) Forms should be mailed by April 21 Weigh-in ends at 3:30 pm.Registration forms and rules can found at www.pymatuninglake.com and at area tackle shops e-mail pymalakeassoc@windstream.net phone 724-418-1501 All proceeds benefit the fish habitat fund.

Spring Wildflower Hike
May 7
Join us at Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve as we are treated to one of the best spring wildflower displays in Northeast Ohio. May 7th, 2016 10:00 am-12:00pm No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us

May 7
Join us for our annual event in Newton Falls, Ohio. Bring at least six plants to trade with other gardeners. No fancy pots required, any old box or bag will do. Plant Exchange starts at nine and runs until noon but we also have other activities. Free yoga from 8 am until 8:30, live music at ten, vendors, and great company. Email Susan at artsusan21@gmail.com or call 330-718-3469 for more info. Event is on Saturday May 7th at the JC Pavillion in Newton Falls Park. 9 am until noon for the plants.

Bainbridge Library Book Sale
May 10-14
The Bainbridge Libray located at 17222 Snyder Road, Bainbridge, OH 44023 is holding a book sale. Support the Bainbridge Library and get some good books; both adult (fiction, non-fiction and specialty), children’s books and DVDs. Book donations to the library accepted through May 8th. Sale hours as follow: May 10 4pm-6pm – Friends of the Bainbridge Library members’ preview; memberships available at the door. 6pm-8:45 – Open to the public; May 11 & 12 9 am-8:45pm; May 13 & 14 9 am -4:45pm – Bag Sale day; fill a bag with books for $3. Questions, please call the Bainbridge library 440-543-5611.

Waterfalls and Wildflowers
May 14
Location: Sheepskin Hollow State Nature Preserve, 51766 Pancake Clarkson Rd. Negley, OH 44441. Date and time: May 14th, 2016 10:30am- 12:00pmDescription: Join us as we trek through the pristine gorge of the preserve, viewing wildflowers and three amazing waterfalls. No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us Special note: This is a moderately difficult hike that does not follow a trail. This hike may not be suitable for young children or visitors with mobility difficulties.

Summer Youth Art Camp
June 6-10
Join Hiram College and art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney for a fun-filled week of art explorations. Programs for children ages 3-8. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Vernal Pools
June 9-10
11-15 year olds will take a deep dive into the mysterious and murky waters of vernal pools during this 24-hour exploration. The unique wetlands are home to frogs, toads, salamanders and lots of creepy crawlers. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Field Ecology Research
June 19-25
This experience offers high schoolers an opportunity to work and learn alongside Hiram College faculty and students while doing ecological research at the Hiram College Field Station. Participants stay overnight. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Nature Camps for Kids
June 27-July 1
OR July 25-29
Nature Camps are Naturally Wonderful for kids ages 3-10. Explore streams, forests, animals, plants and much more as we learn about the world around us and have fun doing it. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Fish & Food Webs
July 7-8
11-15 year olds will slog through creeks and streams in search of fish and the things they feed upon. Nets, waders and fast fingers will be our tools as we try to map where and how these creatures live. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Wilderness Leadership
July 10-16
High schoolers will develop leadership skills, connect with nature, and work to achieve individual and group goals at Hiram College’s Northwoods Field Station in the remote wilderness of Michigan. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.


Anton Albert Photography