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Intimate Gathering for 2013 HOF Inductees


A select but enthusiastic group, including previous honorees, Mitch Collins ’76, John Bennett ’77 and Darrin Perusek ’93, attended the 5th annual James A. Garfield Hall of Fame induction on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in the HS/MS Commons honoring Martin Paul ‘61 and  Mark Manno ’74.

The social hour allowed family and friends to mingle and exchange reminiscences; the  welcome and invocation were given by Sheri Johnson, representing the Garfield Athletic Booster Club.  Introductions and commentary (He always has commentary) were the province of Joe Malmisur ’76.

Presenters for Martin Paul were sons Brian ‘91 and Doug ‘87…not to be confused with sons Chad ‘92 and Dean ‘86, nor yet with daughter Lyndsey ‘97…who offered a glimpse into the total dynamic that has resulted in Hall of Fame selection.  Factors included hard work, service, community involvement, family competition and fun.   Communications from absent  family members re-affirmed Marty’s status as  role model to whom each of his children could refer in making life choices.  Athletic records are all well and good; families are foundation.

Presenter for Mark Manno was his elder brother, storyteller Dino ’70.  Everybody should have an older brother to emulate…and to best, if possible.  It worked for Mark.  Excellence in three sports–golf, football, wrestling–in high school was followed by a successful career in coaching (wrestling, golf) and teaching (Social Studies–the best subject)…and well-deserved retirement.

An unanticipated but appreciated connection between the two honorees was the fact that the father of Mark and Dino and Matt Manno’77 , the late Joe Manno, had been Marty Paul’s coach in high school, for just about every sport.

Nominations for spots in the Hall of Fame are always open, not restricted to athletes       but including individuals who have post-graduate accomplishments in many fields of endeavor.  Community contributions are valued at any age.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography