Home Kent iNaturalist Training Workshop

iNaturalist Training Workshop


Portage Park District hit a big milestone this summer! We surpassed 1,000 documented species listed in iNaturalist. What’s iNaturalist, you ask? It’s a smartphone nature app that connects over 750,000 scientists and naturalists worldwide to record and share plants and animals around us. 

Join us in September to learn how to record and share your observations while visiting our park properties. The data that you collect can help us better understand what is living in our parks and can help you learn more about our natural world!

iNaturalist Workshop – September 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at  2241 Ravenna Rd. (just before Towner’s Woods), Kent, OH 44240.

Register on-line at https://www.co.portage.oh.us/portage-park-district/things-do/webforms/inaturalist-workshop-august-18

Please download the app on your smartphone before arriving at the workshop.  Instructions can be found during registration. 

Staff Reporter