Home Ask The Librarian “I’m interested in railway to bike trails…”

“I’m interested in railway to bike trails…”


“I’m interested in railway to bike trails; the ones that are constructed along abandoned railways. Can you find me a map of the railroad that used to run north and south through Newton Falls?” The Newton Falls Public Library staff knew that the tracks ran along River St., next to where the former railroad station stands.

We searched the Internet, using the words “abandoned railroads Newton Falls Ohio”, and found www.abandonedrails.com. Referring to information in Rails to Trails website, it describes the Lake Erie, Alliance & Wheeling Railroad, and the section of tracks that ran through Newton Falls from Phalanx Station to Minerva.  The website includes a map showing the route of the railroad through town.  We were able to print this map and the accompanying information for our patron. At present, walkers and bicycle riders can enjoy a section of this railway which is already paved from the area of the Community Center Park, north through town.

If you are interested in finding these trails in Ohio, the library has the following books that contain maps and/or descriptions: Cardinal Trail: First Signed Bike Route across Ohio : New Paris, Ohio (Richmond, IN) to Petersburg, Ohio (New Castle, PA), Bike Route J: A Bike Route across Ohio : Marietta to Conneaut, and Rail-trails Midwest Great Lakes: the Official Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Handbook

For answers to your questions, visit the Newton Falls Public Library, 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls or phone 330-872-1282. For information about all the free library programs or hours, also visit our website at www.newtonfalls.org or our Facebook page.

Submitted by Carol Baker[hr] [related_posts]

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography