Home Geauga County “How Sweet It Is” Maple Driving Tour of NE Ohio

“How Sweet It Is” Maple Driving Tour of NE Ohio


Mark your calendars! The 2019 NE Ohio “How Sweet It Is” Maple Driving Tour hosted by Maple Producers of NE Ohio will be the first two weekends in March. 16 Maple Syrup producers across northeast Ohio will open their sugarhouses for you to visit. Some are larger operations and some operations fit in the backyard of the producer’s home. See the latest technology at some sugar camps or production in the ways of our forefathers at others.

Visitors are encouraged to pick one or all of the stops over the two weekends! Many producers will offer “Tastes of Maple” for your enjoyment which will show the ways maple is used in cooking, baking and beverages. It’s not just for pancakes! Learn all about this 100% pure amazing, healthy sweetness.

For a complete listing of stops, dates, times and a map of locations visit mpneoh.com; Maple Syrup Producers of NE Ohio’s Facebook page; or Destination Geauga’s event calendar. The tour is free, educational, and fun for the whole family!


Anton Albert Photography