Home Freedom How Did Stamm Road Get Its Name?

How Did Stamm Road Get Its Name?


Freedom Twp. – Ever wonder where Stamm Rd got its name? The September 13th Freedom Historical Society program will feature 2 cousins who will present their family history and answer that question. Joe Stamm and Kathie Stamm Havener, whose fathers were twins, will share stories of the Stamm family in Freedom (different from the Stamms of Mantua). Their paternal grandparents came to Freedom, settled down here and raised 13 children including 3 sets of twins. What an amazing accomplishment!

This will be a slide show presentation on Tuesday September 13 at 7 PM at the Freedom Town Hall Pavillion, 8966 St Rt 700. In case of inclement weather, we will meet in the Town Hall. All our programs are free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!


Anton Albert Photography