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“Horsing around” with the 20th Century Club


The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville spent their  meeting of October 1, 2015 “horsing around”.  The subject of the evening’s roll call was experiences with horses and the tales sometime rivaled “The Perils of Pauline.” Business was conducted by President Mary Furillo and the group voted in a new member, Pat Fisher.  Dues were collected.

The program was presented by equestrienne Connie Crate who spoke of her own adventures with horses over the years, including getting married on a trail ride near Banff, Canada.  She pointed out that the horse population has fluctuated over the years, reaching its peak about 100 years ago, when most local transportation depended upon them.  The decline lasted for many years but is now being reversed, at least in some parts of the country.  Texas has the most horses, currently, and Ohio ranks sixth.  She also pointed out some of the many facets of horse ownership, including space considerations, tack, health issues, food—grain and bales of hay, for instance—veterinary care, etc., and finished with a review of common figures of speech such as  “put the cart before the horse” or “look a gift horse in the mouth” or “that’s a horse of a different color”

Having received all of this information “from the horse’s mouth”, so to speak, the club retired to the refreshment table to enjoy sweet and savory pastry offerings by hostesses Jane Bell and Betty Clapp.

The next meeting will be on October 15 at the home of Joyce Fashing on Eagle Creek Drive.  Roll call will be a description of a favorite costume, domestic or theatrical.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography