Home Burton Honoring Heroes: Burton-Middlefield Rotary’s 2023 Jeep Invasion Raises Over $15,000

Honoring Heroes: Burton-Middlefield Rotary’s 2023 Jeep Invasion Raises Over $15,000

Jeep owners/lovers decorated their Jeeps for the Geauga Jeep Invasion
Jeep owners/lovers decorated their Jeeps for the Geauga Jeep Invasion

The Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield (BMR) held its fourth annual Jeep Invasion on October 8, to raise funds for Veteran’s Services in Geauga County. The distribution of these funds will be administered jointly by the county Veteran’s Administration and BMR. Ten BMR members spent Saturday, Oct. 7 prepping for the event by stuffing gift baskets and goody bags and organizing signage and other event supplies at the Rotary building on the county fairgrounds.

After a night of steady rain, the morning of the event dawned cloudy and cool but without rain. Jeeps arrived at the Mayfield Road Drive-In on Route 322 (Mayfield Road) from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. This two-hour time frame allowed Jeep owners to roam the event field, share stories and admire the tremendous variety of equipment.

Jason Adkins supplied the great background and patriotic music. Lori Weber from N-Power, an organization that supports special-needs children, offered an opportunity for event participants to fill out get-well and thank you cards to send to veterans. Following announcements by event chair Andrew Pleso, the presentation of colors by the Veterans Color Guard, and the playing of the national anthem, the parade of over 100 Jeeps followed Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand in his personal patrol car out of the Mayfield Road Drive-In. The tour made a trip to Chardon Square where they paraded around the circle and then went south to the Best Sand Company sand pit on Route 44. A guided course through the pit left the “Jeepers” feeling they had utilized their vehicles for what they were intended for, off-road use. The tour then drove to Merritt Drive in Munson and Claridon Townships for a parade around the county facilities highlighted by a pass under a giant American flag supported by two ladder fire trucks. Patriotic and Veterans were the two key words that described this event. The tour ended back at the Mayfield Road Drive-In for hot dogs and snacks.

The owner of the drive-in donated full use of his facility and a portion of his food profits. Thanks also to Best Sand for offering a very rare opportunity to bring private vehicles into their facility and enjoy the off-road terrain. The entire field of Jeeps that arrived in the morning all shiny and clean returned muddy and dirty and looking more like what a Jeep is supposed to look like.
Upon their return to the drive-in, participants took part in a giant prize raffle that included special event watches, wooden hand carved event plaques, gift baskets, a 50/50 raffle that generated over $350, and dozens of other prizes.

This BMR Rotary-organized event is funded by a small entry fee for the participants and sponsorship by Geauga County businesses, led by the main event sponsor Junction Auto Campus. Junction also supplied several new Jeep models to view, a new GMC truck to move the equipment, and the time of several of their employees.

Generous sponsorship is what drives this event and makes it such a great success. A huge thank you to Junction Auto, law enforcement and their vehicles that guided the tour, the Mayfield Road Drive-In, and our many generous sponsors who make this event a yearly success. Over $15,000 was raised and will be used for home repairs, utility bill payments, appliance replacements and other urgent needs for veterans around the county.


Anton Albert Photography