Home Other Areas Holiday Youth Performances at Geauga Theater

Holiday Youth Performances at Geauga Theater


While the classic “Miracle on 34th Street” is gracing the Geauga Theater stage in December, the Geauga Lyric Theater Guild will also be featuring class performances to celebrate the holiday season. Students have been practicing lines, warming up their voices and preparing costumes and decorations. Three performances will be offered to spotlight the talented youth in our community.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” directed by Angela Miloro-Hansen will be presented on December 15th and 16th at 7:30 p.m. This has become a holiday tradition at the GLTG and audiences will enjoy the warm-hearted celebration of the Peanuts gang.

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”, also directed by Angela Miloro-Hansen, will be performed on December 17th at 7:30 p.m. It’s a hilarious classic Christmas story about the destructive and inappropriate Herdmans and how they come to save the annual Christmas pageant. Songs, angels, crazy kids and a lady stuck in traction are all a part of this wonderful story.

“Humbug!” iIs directed by Julie Douglass and will be presented on December 18th at 7:00 p.m. This modern version of A Christmas Carol, finds the grumpy Ms. Ebenezer rediscovering her love of teaching with the help of kindly Bobby Cratchit and three special visitors. The musical reminds us that our actions touch the lives of others.

All performances will take place at the historic Geauga Theater on Chardon Square, Chardon, located at 101 Water Street. Admission is free!  Donations will be accepted and are greatly appreciated. The GLTG hopes that you will enjoy one of our class performances and embrace the magic of the season. For more information visit  www.geaugatheater.org or call 440-286-2255.


Anton Albert Photography