Home Freedom Historical Society prepares for electionand upcoming Christmas party

Historical Society prepares for electionand upcoming Christmas party


The Freedom Township Historical Society is gearing up for a business meeting and election on Tuesday, November 14, at 7 PM. The event is set to take place at the Freedom Community Center, located at 8940 St Rt 700, and promises to be an engaging and accessible affair.

The primary focus of the meeting will be the election of the vice president and treasurer, with the current incumbents ready to stand for re-election. However, there’s a chance for new contenders as well, as nominations will be accepted from the floor during the meeting.

One of the notable features of the Freedom Community Center is its complete handicap accessibility, ensuring that all members of the community can participate in the proceedings. It is worth noting that the meetings organized by the Freedom Township Historical Society are open to the public and free of charge. Still, voting privileges during the election are reserved exclusively for society members.

For those planning to attend, please be aware that there won’t be a special program during this particular meeting. However, the excitement doesn’t stop there, as the society has another event lined up for the month of December.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 12, at 7 PM, when the Freedom Township Historical Society will host a Christmas party at Drakesburg School, 7276 St Rt 303. Attendees are encouraged to bring an old Christmas ornament and share cherished holiday memories with fellow history enthusiasts.

The festivities are set to include delightful refreshments to get everyone into the holiday spirit. Just like the November meeting, the December gathering is open to the public, and you’re invited to join in the merriment.

For those planning to attend the Christmas party, remember to enter through the south door off the deck at the rear of the building. If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to Judy at 330.527.7669.


Anton Albert Photography