Home Hiram Hiram’s CopperHawk Farm Delivers

Hiram’s CopperHawk Farm Delivers


Hiram – During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, many businesses have had to change the way they operate. Covid-19 has turned dining out into ordering in, and grocery stores are processing huge amounts or online orders for delivery or quick pick-up. But long before Covid-19 burst onto the scene, CopperHawk Farms was already doing things a little differently at their farm in Hiram in 2018. 

From the start, they kept things small, space plantings intensively, and working the soil without heavy equipment. These practices allow Ryan and Karly Lind’s family-run farm to grow enough produce for 200 families on just one-and-a-half acres. CopperHawk practiced organic growing standards from the start, only OMRI approved products for fertilization, pest, and fungal control. But the biggest difference they provide is in their CSA (community-supported agriculture) program. 

In a typical CSA, consumers buy shares of a farm’s harvest by paying an agreed amount at the beginning of the growing season. Typical CSAs sell shares, which entitle CSA members to a portion of the harvest, which they typically travel to the farm or to pickup. CopperHawk modified the CSA model to sell bags of produce that, since the Farm’s inception in 2018, are delivered right to members’ homes or offices. 

The local farm grows major crops include carrots, scallions, a variety of greens and lettuces, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. They also grow several minor crops including broccoli, cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, melons, leeks, eggplant, peppers, beans and peas. Each season, the farm also includes a fair amount of trial crops, which have included pole beans, ground cherries, Brussels sprouts, and flowers.

On occasion, member bags have also include seasonal sourced crops like potatoes, blueberries, sweet corn, and cheese, so joining the CopperHawk CSA is a little like having the farmers market delivered right to your door.

CopperHawk CSA packages are based on weekly bag value, not crop availability. The Copperhawk Farms CSA season runs from the week of May 11th through the week of September 28, with no delivery the weeks of July 20th, 27th, and August 3rd. Veggie lovers can select from a variety of bags ranging from a 9-week spring bag, regular bag for 2-4 people, a big bag for larger families, which includes extras and bumper crops. They also created a single bag option based on customer requests for smaller portions of farm-fresh goodness. In addition, members may also choose to add eggs to their bag to receive a dozen farm-fresh, cage-free eggs with their weekly delivery. 

Deliveries for the 2020 growing season include 18 weeks of fresh produce. Delivery areas include: Garrettsville, Hiram, Mantua, Aurora, Solon, Chagrin Falls, Bainbridge, Twinsburg, Reminderville, Ravenna, Kent, Streetsboro and Hudson. Visit copperhawkfarms.com for more information.

If you aren’t sure your family can commit to receiving a season’s worth of veggies, you can visit the CopperHawk Farms stand at either the Garrettsville and Howland Farmers Markets to pick up the locally-grown produce of your choice. For regular Farmer’s Market attendees, a limited supply of Market Discount Cards, which provide $25 worth of veggies for $20, are available at copperhawkfarms.com while supplies last.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography