Home News Hiram Village News

Hiram Village News


Hiram – There will be a pancake breakfast on April 20, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m.  The breakfast will be held at the Hiram College Kennedy Center, Dix Dinning Hall.  It is an all you can eat and will be $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children under 10.  The proceeds go to benefit the Hiram Police Department “Shop with a Cop” program.

This year spring clean-up at the curb will be on May 18, 2013.  The date for drop off, at the Village Building, for tires will also be May 18, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  The drop off spot will be in the gravel parking lot beside the Village Building.

The Village is proposing a 3% increase on the water rate.  The current rate is $10.42 per 1000 gallons, the proposed rate would be $10.73 per 1000 gallons.  There has been no increase in water rates since 2007.

Last month all members of the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend to Council the R-4 District on the property with an abstention by Jenifer Warren. A Review Fee was discussed in connection with the PUD and would be approximately $2,500 per unit. A public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2013 beginning at 6 p.m. and a Public Notice has been published in the Sunday, February 24, 2013 Kent-Ravenna Record-Courier.

Zoning Fee Schedule: The schedule has been revised.  The Finance committee is in agreement with the new fee schedule.

The Village is awaiting word from Mrs. Mary Fitch of ODNR for approval.  Resolution 2012-45 has been tabled until Hiram receives approval for the grant to purchase the old Hiram School property.

In 2011 the 80% grant was approved by AMATS to build only new sidewalks along the State Routes in the estimated amount of $273,000. This Grant should be utilized for the benefit of the community along with the AMATS Grant for the Hike and Bike Trail.

The re-edited PARK BOARD legislation is before Council on third (3) and final reading. Again, if any citizen is interested in serving on that board, please have them contact the Mayor or simply call 330-569-7491.So far, there are now three (3) volunteers: Mrs. Susan Merrill, Mr. Chris Szell and Mr. Sam Bixler, all residents of the Village.

After the council meeting, members had a chance to inspect the Old Fire Hall and Light Plant.  The Mayor recommended the Village appraise and then sell the old Fire Hall and Light Plant.  With the proceeds the Village should seek to acquire sufficient real property to house a five (5) port storage garage structure adjacent to the Rosser Building.

The town hall meeting with Ohio State Sen. John Eklund at Koritansky Hall on March 1, 2013 for exchanging ideas and discussion of the state’s proposed 2014-2015 budget and other matters of concern to our community was well attended. Sen. Eklund indicated he might be of assistance to the village with the ODNR Grant for the Hiram School Park property.

A proposal of a three (3) year contract was submitted to President Tom Chema and Vice President and C.F.O. Steve Jones for fire, EMS and police coverage. In a meeting with both officials on February 27, 2013 the only amendment was the initial amount proposed at $73,000 per year instead of $76,000, but with a $1,000. increase per year thereafter.

If you have a spring painting project coming up and would like a reliable service to take care of it for you, contact Textbook Painting.  Andy Auble, the business owner, specializes in exterior house painting, decks, fences, power washing, driveway sealing and garage floors.  You can contact Andy at 330-846-1884 or go to www.textbookpainting.com.



Anton Albert Photography