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Hiram Village News


Hiram – At the last meeting with Police Chief Brian Gregory, Village Council noted that the number of traffic stops is lower than average, with fewer motorists due to Covid-19. He added that although this year’s Shop with a Cop program looked different. The Hiram and Garrettsville Police Departments were still able to grant Christmas wishes by shopping for and wrapping gifts for 29 children from the Crestwood and J.A. Garfield Schools. He noted receiving wish lists via email from the kids; he and his wife shopped and wrapped the gifts and families made appointments to pick up their gifts outside of the Administration Building. In other news, Chief Gregory noted that the village’s proposed dispatch contract is with the Sherriff’s Office Legal Department for review.

In his Fire report, Chief Bill Byers noted that his department has a memo of understanding (MOU) with the Health Department, which denotes the village fire station as a Covid vaccine location for village and township safety forces and employees. Chief Byers noted that dates, procedures and the vaccine have not yet been made available, but will update council by email as soon as information is determined.

In similar news, in light of council’s consideration to extend health benefits to full-time employees of the village, Assistant Chief Jason Groselle asked Council to consider making benefits available to applicable firefighters, as well. Citing village budget shortfalls as an impetus, Councilman Paul Spencer noted, “We’ll work on it…we’ll keep it under consideration.”

In legislative news, council passed an ordinance establishing the Village Economic Development Committee, which is comprised of two members of council, the mayor, two village residents, and a designee from Hiram College. It was noted that all members with the exception of the college designee are permitted to cast votes as part of this committee. Lastly, council approved a resolution requesting the Portage County Auditor certify the total current tax valuation of the village in order to place a levy renewal of 4.4 mils for Fire and EMS on the ballot in May 2021.
Lastly, Ed Frato-Sweeney from Hiram Collage noted that students are currently out on break; Hiram College plans to resume in-person classes on January 14th.

The next regularly scheduled village council meeting will be held at 7 pm on Tuesday, January 11th at 7 pm; visit hiramvillage.org for details on how to access this live-streamed meeting.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography