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Hiram Village News


Hiram – At the last village council meeting which was held virtually, Ed Frato-Sweeney, Director of Residential & Citizenship Education at Hiram College, shared that the college would be open for the Fall 2020 semester, providing single rooms for all residential students at no additional charge. 

In his Police Report, Chief Brian Gregory shared that the department applied for several grants in support of the Shop with a Cop program, bulletproof vests, MARCs radios, and sanitation supplies. He noted that as traffic details began when restaurants re-opened; officers would be equipped with masks, gloves, and additional supplies to ensure the safety of officers and the public. Chief Gregory noted that the department is using an ozone generator to sanitize vehicles. 

Fire Chief Bill Byers noted that RKS Services has been disinfecting the Municipal Building, which houses both the Police and Fire Departments, on a regular basis at no cost to the village. On a similar note, all department heads were asked to keep track additional costs resulting from Covid-19 (masks, gloves, cleaning supplies, etc.) as there may be state and/or federal reimbursements for these necessities at a later date.

In the Village Administrator report, James McGee and Steve Schuller shared that student workers joined the department at the end of May. They noted that the village has applied for several grants, including one for stone repairs at the cemetery, one to help repair the slide at Jagow Park, and another to update the basketball court. Spring Clean Up, which was originally scheduled in May, will take place on Saturday June 13th. Residents should leave items at the curb; pick up will take place beginning at 7 am. 

Due to Covid-19, the 2020 Memorial Day service and parade were canceled. A Memorial Day program honoring the more than 200 veterans interred at the cemetery was made available at the Post Office, on the Village website, and through the Communicator newsletter. In it, Reverend Chris McCreight from the Hiram Christian Church provided a prayer. His sentiments to, “remember our peoples and our heritages,” was timely, as was his hope to, “give thanks for what is good, and move to heal what is broken,” was timely, especially during these divisive days.

Lastly, Hiram’s annual July 4th festivities have been cancelled due to the pandemic. To be a part of planning for July 4th, 2021 activities, call the village office during normal business hours. 

The next village council meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9th at 7 pm. Please visit the Village’s newly redesigned website at hiramvillage.org or call (330) 569-7677 to learn whether this meeting will take place in person or virtually, as the determination had not yet been made at press time.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography