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Hiram Village News


Hiram – At a recent meeting, Mayor Lou Bertrand present Dr. Willard Greenwood with a proclamation acknowledging his many years of service helping to provide wonderful games, activities and entertainment through the Fourth of July Committee on behalf of the Village and local community.  

In his Police Report, Chief Brian Gregory noted that the Annual Shop with a Cop event will take place on Saturday, December 14th at 9 am. The event, which helps deserving local kids with the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts for themselves and their loved ones, will once again take place at Target in Streetsboro. This annual holiday event is made possible through fundraising efforts and donations throughout the rest of the year. 

Next, Chief Gregory noted that in November, the Hiram Police Department received the AAA Platinum AWARD for Community Traffic Safety. This is the eighth consecutive year that the department has received the Platinum award, which is the highest honor recognized. The Hiram Police Department is the only department in Portage County to receive the platinum level. “We have dedicated a great deal of emphasis and attention toward the area of traffic and community safety,” shared Police Chief Brian Gregory. “We have adopted and implemented programs that educate, demonstrate, and enforce traffic and pedestrian safety issues ranging from bicycle safety, seat belt use, impaired driving, child passenger safety seats, just to mention a few.” The Chief continued, “Our goal is to continue to educate and encourage safety related practices in our community and to create a safer roadway environment for everyone who may travel upon our roadways.” He noted that the department was honored to receive this recognition from AAA; Patrolman Hoyle West accepted the award on behalf of the Hiram Police Department. 

In his report, Fire Chief Bill Byers announced the retirement of Assistant Chief Brandon Baynes. Byers noted that Baynes has faithfully served the Village and the Department for an impressive 25 years. Not one to sit idle, Baynes will continue to work at the Bedford Heights Fire Department and with the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department, where he serves as Fire Inspector. He looks forward to a more regular schedule that will allow him to spend more time with his wife and children. The department will look to fill the position Baynes vacated sometime in the New Year.

Lastly, Council approved an ordinance to enact Chapter 1303 of the Hiram Village Codified Ordinances regarding abandoned structures and unoccupied lots within the village. In part, the ordinance notes that any structure that has been abandoned for a period of longer than 90 days shall be presumed a nuisance. As such, the property affects surrounding property values and may be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare of the community. The ordinance stipulates the steps the village must undergo to work with property owners to rectify the situation. A contingent of Hiram College students was present, along with Ed Frato-Sweeney, the College’s Director of Residential and Citizenship Education, to thank council for their action in moving forward with this piece of legislation.

The next regularly-scheduled Hiram Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10th at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography