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Hiram Village News


Hiram – At their last meeting, council and the mayor discussed the issue of postal service within the village. As many are aware, village residents do not receive home delivery from the US Postal Service, and must rent a Post Office Box in order to receive mail. Several residents weighed in on the matter, both in favor and opposed to making a change to allow home delivery by attending council’s meeting or by forwarding letters or emails. Much discussion ensued among council members, the mayor, and the village solicitor about what is specifically noted in federal guidelines as well as the village’s codified ordinances pertaining to the matter. In the end, no definitive decision was made; it was determined that more investigation into the matter will be needed, including discussions with Hiram’s Postmaster. Further findings will be shared at council’s next meeting.

In legislation, council approved a Resolution (2019-06) to authorize Village Administrator James McGee to apply for a construction loan through the Middlefield Bank, a $300,000 loan for sidewalk repairs and replacements. The loan will be reimbursed from the funds collected through the sidewalk tax over the next 20 years that was recently approved by village voters.

In his report, Mayor Lou Bertrand thanked the Bixlers for their service to the community and asked village council to suggest potential applicants to fill the vacated spots on the Planning and Park Boards due to their departure from the village. Next, the mayor noted that Lieutenant Colonel Garret, the Commanding Officer for the US Army Recruiting in our region, will be the keynote speaker at the village’s Memorial Day observances on Monday, May 27th.  

McGee also shared that Spring Clean Up in the village is scheduled for Saturday, April 27th. He noted that pick up would take place from 7 am until noon. According to McGee, items may include large appliances with doors removed and windows with glass removed or taped for safety. Hazardous waste, chemicals, and tires will not be accepted. McGee noted that anything deposited at the street after the truck has already passed by a residence will be left at the curb, as the truck will make only one stop at each residence. 

While tires won’t be collected at Spring Clean Up, the village and township will be holding a Tire Pick-up event on Saturday, May 18th from 8 am until noon at the Rosser Municipal Building, 11617 Garfield Road. Residents are limited to drop off ten tires per vehicle. No rims or semi tires will be accepted; there will be no curbside collection of tires. For more information, consult the March issue of the Hiram Communicator, which is available online at hiramvillage.org.

Prior to the last Finance Committee meeting, Mayor Lou Bertrand congratulated Corporal Devin Brown and conducted the swearing in of the Hiram Police Department’s first K-9 officer, Guapo. Congratulations!

If you’d like to meet Guapo in person, be sure to make plans to attend the Pancake Breakfast this Saturday, April 6th from 9 am until 1 pm in the Dix Dining Hall at the Kennedy Center on Hiram College. Donations at this event help fund the Police Department’s Annual Shop with a Cop program.

The next regularly scheduled village council meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 9th at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography