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Hiram Village News


Hiram – At the start of the meeting, a representative from the Hiram Parks Board, Susan Merrill, informed council of a meeting that will be held on November 13th from 7 to 9 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a venue for area businesses and residents to discuss suggestions for development of the five-acre park space to be located on the former Hiram School property. The meeting will be held in Koritansky Hall at the corner of Routes 82 and 700 in Hiram.

Next, Village Administrator Bob Wood announced that his crew was working to complete work at the wastewater treatment plant, and that they had just completed work on Section B of the Fairview Cemetery. At November’s council meeting, he will provide photos showing the improvements he and his team made.

During his report, village Police Chief Ed Samec shared that a Jail and Bail seminar was recently held by his department at Hiram College. At this seminar, 42 students had the opportunity to learn about law enforcement first-hand, as their questions were answered and myths regarding criminal activities, charges and penalties were dispelled. The chief also reported that their Fill a Police Car Food Drive and Pet Adoption Event were successful in spite of soggy weather. Nearly three hundred pounds of nonperishable food was collected for the 4Cs Food Cupboard, and roughly 400 pounds of pet food was collected for the People Care Pet Pantry. In other police department news, the Hiram Police Department was awarded a grant from the Department of Justice in the amount of $2,795 for bulletproof vests. Per Chief Samec, “I want to personally thank everyone from Hiram PD for going above and beyond. Our community events would not be a success if it wasn’t for their selfless dedication. Thank you so much — you all exemplify what Team Hiram truly is!”

Later, Fire Chief Bill Byers shared that his department’s Rescue Squad is back in service after extensive repairs and upgrades. According to Byers, “Perfect Choice in Mantua did the paint and corrosion repairs for us, and F&S Automotive completed the mechanical repairs. Both local companies worked hard with us on the timeline and budget to help us complete this squad project, and we appreciate their services.”  In addition, Byers announced that trick-or-treating in Hiram Village will take place on October 31st from 5 to 7 pm, with the annual party at the fire station starting at 7 pm. To aid in those efforts, council approved a donation on $250 to the fire department to help fund the party.

In other business, council unanimously approved an ordinance authorizing the sale of a 2.57 acre land-locked plot of  village-owned land. Bids for the property will be accepted by the Village Administrator until 11 am on January 13th 2014. The property will be sold to the highest bidder.

Lastly, council discussed a proposed Ordinance 2013-41 to enact an exterior maintenance code. Council President Tom Wadkins explained, “This is an opportunity to help our neighbors by taking blighted influences out of the village.” Councilman Paul Spencer warned about potential issues relating to enforcement of the proposed ordinance by stating, “We must be consistent across the board.” This issue will be discussed further at the next regular council meeting on November 12 at 7 pm.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography