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Hiram Village News


Hiram – After calling the July 30th Special Village Council meeting to order, Mayor Lou Bertrand took the opportunity to recognize the EMS crew responsible for the 2012 Save of the Year Award. The EMS responders recognized were: Chief Bill Byers, Assistant Chief Mark Kozak, Captain Gary Bott, Firefighter Kevin Sponaugle and Firefighter Nate Miller. Chief Byers and Firefighter Miller were not present to receive their awards.

2012 Save of the Year Award recipients (left to right) Assistant Chief Mark Kozak, Firefighter Kevin Sponaugle, and Captain Gary Bott. (Team members Chief Bill Byers & Firefighter Nate Miller were not present).

The Save of the Year award was started by the Hiram Fire Department in 2007 to recognize exemplary teamwork and patient care. This year’s crew was selected out of six serious calls submitted to and reviewed by Dr. Jon Keary, Cleveland Clinic Emergency Department and Critical Care Transport Physician. Dr. Keary’s reasons for selecting this call were that the crew provided great care to a Hiram resident who fell down a flight of stairs, resulting in head, internal and extremity injuries. The victim needed to be transported via Life Flight helicopter to a trauma center for advanced care. The call required aggressive treatment of multiple injuries and teamwork. The end result was a very positive outcome for the patient, despite having medical conditions prior to the fall. After a lengthy hospital stay, the victim was released to a rehab center and then home to continue his recovery. The crew recognized for the care provided with this award was Fire Chief Bill Byers, Assistant Chief Mark Kozak, Capt. Gary Bott, and Firefighters Nate Miller and Kevin Sponaugle.

In other news, Council approved an ordinance to increase Village water rates by 3%, effective October 1, 2013. These rates were adjusted to keep water revenues current with rising maintenance costs. In addition, Council approved an ordinance amending the Capital Improvement Fund, which will enable the Fire Department to refurbish their 2002 Lifeline Rescue Squad. Later, Council also approved a resolution to accept grant funds from the Ohio Department of Public Safety for the purpose of purchasing emergency medical equipment and EMS training. The amount of the grant is $4,250.
In addition, Village Council approved an ordinance to allow funds to be allocated for unanticipated work at Fairview Cemetery, which is located at the corner of Wakefield Road and Ryder Road. The work includes repairing and resetting headstones at the cemetery, which encompasses ten acres and includes gravesites of  veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War.

Lastly, Council approved a resolution to retain the services of Thomas Reitz, Attorney-at-Law, as solicitor and attorney for the Village of Hiram. The legal services included in the agreement involve representation of the Village with respect to resolution of an existing conflict between the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, and the U.S. Social Security Administration regarding treatment of certain past and present employees of the Village Fire Department.

The next regularly-scheduled Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 7 pm. In the event that an August Council meeting is required, a special announcement will be posted in the Record Courier providing residents with 24-hour notice of such meeting.
Immediately after Village Council adjourned, Hiram Village Finance Committee met. They heard a presentation by Mr. Charles Hawk of the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA), and discussed the possibility of using RITA for collection of Village income taxes. The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be August 27th at 6 pm at Hiram Village Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography