Home Hiram Hiram Village Council News

Hiram Village Council News


Hiram – At the last meeting, Council approved a resolution allowing for the advertising for bids for a contract for the collection of recyclable materials within Hiram Village and Hiram Township. Bids were due by 1 pm on October 29th. Contracts are requested to cover the duration of three years, with an option for a two-year extension, to begin in January 2022. Please note that recycling pick up through Portage County Solid Waste for the remainder of 2021 will take place November 5th and 19th, and December 3rd. 

In other news, the Hiram Village Water Utility Department has been awarded a grant from the Ohio Water Development Authority to update the Hiram area water meters.  Core and Main Contracting will coordinate this project; Newman Plumbing Incorporated will replace meters. It was noted that meter replacement began the week of October 18.  ALL residential and commercial water meters will be replaced. Each water service account should have received a bright orange notice from Newman Plumbing Inc. via US mail. The replacement of your water meter is not optional.  Call Newman Plumbing 1-888-437-0078 to make an appointment for your new meter.  

Curbside leaf pick-up has begun and will continue as needed until snowfall prohibits pick-up. Please note that no brush, twigs, limbs, Christmas trees or other yard debris will be accepted, as this service can accommodate leaves only.

The Park Board will meet on Monday, November 8th at 4:30 pm in the Hiram Village Municipal Building. Finance and Safety Committees will meet on Tuesday, November 30th at 7 pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place in Council’s chambers on Tuesday, November 9th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography