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Hiram Village Council News


Hiram – Prior to the beginning of this month’s meeting, Mayor Lou Bertrand asked Council to observe a moment of silence in memory of Sargent David Ovens, a retired Hiram Police Officer. He passed away on April 4th at the age of 70; a celebration of life service was held on April 11th.

After much discussion at several previous meetings regarding US Postal delivery to residents in the Village, the Hiram Postmaster was in attendance to help clear up confusion. According to the Postmaster, the Village’s Post Office is not funded by tax dollars; revenue comes from postage and retail sales. She noted that if residents prefer home delivery and reside along current delivery routes, which include State Routes 82, 305, and 700, they may submit a request/petition for change (PS Form 4027) to request home delivery. She noted that a mailbox would need to be installed at the road at the resident’s expense.

For delivery within the Village, the post office could deliver to centrally located cluster boxes which would be installed at residents’ expense. She noted that for residents living within one-quarter of a mile from the Post Office are entitled to a free Post Office Box. In order to clarify the circumstances prior to the call for a vote on Ordinance 2019-03, Councilman Chris Szell noted, “If Council proceeds w/repealing this Ordinance, it would be up to residents to follow up to make requests for changes.” After further discussion, Council agreed unanimously to repeal Ordinance 219, which was originally enacted in 1946.

In his Police Report, Chief Brian Gregory shared that the Department’s Pancake Breakfast fundraiser raised $1,700 for the annual Shop With a Cop program. He thanked attendees for helping to make the event a success. He noted that the annual Car Show has been scheduled for Saturday, June 15th. The event will also include a Pet Adoptions, Fill A Cruiser for the local food pantry, and the Community Garage Sale.

The Click it or Ticket event, where officers reward motorists for wearing their seat belts, will be held on Saturday, May 25th from 11 am until 1 pm. Lastly, Fishing with a Cop has been scheduled for Saturday, August 17th from 9 am until 1 pm at Camp Asbury, and residents and their children or grandchildren are encouraged to participate.

In his Village Administrator’s report, James McGee shared that bid packets were made available for the sidewalk project; all bids were due at the end of April. He noted that the Service Department has been ditching and filling potholes as weather allows, and that they replaces swings and installed new backboards and rims at Jagow Park. He noted that a new mower was purchased, and that the results of the Water Tower project grant would be available on May 9th.

The next regularly scheduled Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at 7 pm in the Rosser Municipal Building; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography