In a recent Council meeting, Councilman Chris Szell accepted the nomination to serve as Council President. Police Chief Brian Gregory presented the Department’s monthly and year-end reports. In his report, Fire Chief Bill Byers provided the Fire Department report as well. In addition, Mayor Anne Haynam conducted her first swearing in of 2024 when she welcomed new firefighter Abigail Bartel to the Hiram Fire Department.
In his report, Village Administrator James McGee shared that the new water tower is now connected to the Village water system. He explained that the water tower control panel has been replaced and the valve house construction is underway. McGee noted that this spring, the fire and AMI antennas will be moved to the new tower; afterward, the former tower will be removed. McGee also noted that the Village has applied for a federal appropriations grant ($1.875 million) for Phase 2 of the water treatment plant improvements. He noted that the Village has also applied for grant funding for future projects including improvements at the intersection of State routes 700, 82, & 305 and rebuilding and improvement project at the Wakefield Road lift station.
In other news, James McGee stepped down as Village Administrator; Assistant Village Administrator Steve Schuller has accepted the role, while McGee will assume the role of Assistant Village Administrator.
At the February meeting, Council approved an ordinance (2023-28) establishing section 121.08 of the Village of Hiram Codified Ordinances titled Public Comments. During business, Council also approved Ordinance 2023-25 authorizing the creation of a Parking Violations Bureau, and Resolutions 2024-05 and Resolution 2024-06, relating to reimbursement of fees related to speed enforcement and legal assistance in implementing speed enforcement within the Village.
In a related note, administration announced that the village office will now accept credit card payments for water bills and parking tickets. Please note that a 3.5% processing fee applies to credit card payments.
Lastly, residents will soon be able to enroll in the VillagePass program, which will provide Village residents with access to Hiram College athletic facilities, discounts, and other perks like the ones enjoyed by Hiram College students, faculty and staff. Sign-up details will be forthcoming at hiramvillage.gov.
The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm at the Rosser Municipal Building. Doors open to the public 20 minutes beforehand. Meeting minutes are posted at hiramvillage.gov.