Home Portage County Hiram Township Trustees Discuss Plans for Township Park

Hiram Township Trustees Discuss Plans for Township Park


Hiram Twp. – At a recent meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe shared that the audit is complete. On another note, she shared that a meeting with the Portage County Budget Commission will take place soon regarding the distribution of local taxes. Meanwhile, she noted that Hiram Township received a check for $900 from Jill Fankhauser, the County Clerk of Courts, as payment from the escrow account created as a part of the Mascheck Memo of Understanding.

Next, Community Evaluations and Accomplishments Committee (CEAC) chairman Tim Kasper discussed plans for the Township Park, located at 6352 State Route 82. Tim and Road Supervisor Tom Matota discussed possible locations of designated parking spots that would not interfere with Township road service vehicles and deliveries. Kasper suggested the installation of a culvert, covered by a small footbridge to aid in drainage, while making a visible path leading to the trails beyond the Township’s structures at the site. He indicated that trail signage could be installed once the parking and the trail path have been confirmed, and presented an example of proposed signage. Trustee Jack Groselle agreed that the parking and the footbridge should move forward.

Kasper noted that the CEAC group is currently discussing the idea of adding an open-air picnic shelter to the existing cold storage building. They are still investigating, and will be presenting their recommendations at a future meeting. Kasper noted that the CEAC continues to explore grants from Natureworks and the USDA for a future pavilion and trail maintenance and upgrades. He also asked Trustees to consider incorporating solar panels into the new building that is still in planning stages. Kasper also requested that a portable toilet be delivered near the cold storage building for season use to park visitors. Kasper noted that he and Tom Franek have walked the trails and discovered that beaver are building new dams that divert water up to the current footbridge. He noted that the path will need to be maintained so residents will be able to use the trail.

Assistant Fire Chief Brandon Baynes provided the monthly fire report, indicating that the Department responded to slightly more than 30 calls that month. The average response time was just under six and a half minutes. He noted that four new officers would be promoted soon; the date will be determined by Mayor Lou Bertrand who will officiate.
In related news, Jack Groselle and Diane Rodhe met with Fiscal Officer Sue Skrovan and Chief Bill Byers to review the Fire and EMS budgets, which the Village and Township both support. Groselle reviewed the numbers for Trustees, and according to his estimations based on the documentation, the Village has been short on their contributions to Fire and EMS. Groselle noted that he and Diane would continue to work with the Village to better understand this financial arrangement.

In similar news, he noted that Fire Chief Byers is looking for a way to increase hourly pay to improve employee retention. He also noted that Hiram Village Council is looking to improve the current building with more room for council offices and a new bay for the Fire Department. Groselle proposed that the township contribute 60% of the cost of a new bay in return for no future rent fees for the Fire Department. There will be more discussion on this matter.

Fiscal Officer Rodhe noted that NOPEC has requested the Township nominate a candidate for a community grant in the amount of $1,500. Trustees made a motion to nominate the CEAC as the recipient so that the funds can be used for the community park. Ms. Rodhe will investigate whether the funds can be received by the Township on behalf of the CEAC since it’s funding is through the Township; she will advise Trustees of what she learns.
In Zoning, Zoning Inspector Rich Gano noted that resident Debbie Weigel had questions about payments on the balance of the imposed BZA. Trustees Groselle and Steve Pancost approved the creation of a contract for payment; a resolution will be created at the next meeting if both parties agree to the contract terms. Mrs. Weigel shared that she questions the outcome of the BZA meeting; Mr. Gano explained that if she is not satisfied with the outcome, they could apply for another hearing; Trustees approved a motion to wave the cost of the hearing.

Lastly, the Township will hold a scrap tire pick-up in conjunction with Hiram Village. The event will be held on Saturday, May 19th from 8 am until noon at the Village administration lot.

The next Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 15th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography