Home Hiram Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – In his Zoning report, Zoning Inspector Rich Gano informed trustees “nothing happened” at Mr. Byler’s recent court date. Gano noted that the Assistant Prosecutor shared that mediation would take place with the owner of the property in question on Wheeler Road, but that it wasn’t likely to occur prior to January 2020. 

In his monthly report, Road Services Supervisor Tom Matota remarked that the excavator and the new trailer for the excavator have been delivered. He noted that the porch at the Township Hall had been repaired, just in time for winter. In other news, Matota shared that Ohio Edison reported a problem with the electrical wires entering the Township Hall. He noted that Ohio Edison will disconnect the wires that are affected, noting their report that the insulation on the mast section needs replacement.

Per his request, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe sent a credit application to Warren Spring in order for a repair job to be completed on the tar spreading truck. The estimated cost of the repair is approximately $1,750. Next, trustees unanimously approved Matota’s request approval to purchase one backpack-style leaf blower for use in the cemetery. Matota noted that the township’s equipment is in good shape for the winter season.

For reference, the township manages maintenance and snow removal on township roads, including: Ryder (From Rt. 82 to Pioneer Trail), Asbury (from Pioneer Trail to Hankee), Hankee (from Rt. 700 to Stamm), Allyn (from Mantua line to Winchell), and Alpha (from Abbott to Rt. 82). For a full listing of township roads, visit hiramtownship.org. All other roads are maintained by Portage County.

The next regularly-scheduled trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography