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Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that the Grant Agreement document for the 2018 NOPEC Energized Community Grant Program for $7,516.00 was presented for signature to Tustees Steve Pancost and Jack Groselle. Next, trustees voted unanimously to approve the Ohio Edison quote of $1471.58 for the purchase and installation of a cobra extension arm and light for the pole at the entrance of 6352 State Route 82. The continued cost will be $10.47 per month. In the Fire Report, the average response time during the month of October was 5 minutes and 21 seconds. The department noted that mutual aid was given 14 times and received once.

In old business, Hal Stamm provided an update on the proposed new building septic system. Hal advised the trustees about the OhioEPA requirements. He noted that the township will need to submit a proposal and contract agreement with one of several POTW firms for pick up, hauling, and disposal of waste from pumping the tanks. Hal has reached out to two of the firms, but had not received a response at the time of the meeting. Stamm requested that Rodhe reach out to encourage a response, and provided Ohio EPA documentation for clarification on the matter.
Tom Matota followed up on the unreported septic system on Alpha Rd. He was told that the system was installed without a permit because the Portage County Health Department allowed it to happen before the paperwork was complete. The permits are supposed to be forthcoming. In his Zoning Report, Inspector Rich Gano shared that seven permits had been issued since his last report to the trustees. The total amount collected was $800. Gano noted that the Zoning Board has not met since October to re-visit the language of the current Zoning Book. In related news, in Resolution 2018-60, which was proposed by request of the BZA, Trustees agreed to double the amount of the permit application fee when a resident applies for the permit after construction has begun. The Zoning Fee Schedule has been updated to reflect the change.

The next Hiram Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography