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Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp – Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that Portage County Recycling sent a reminder about recyclable items. According to the note cans, bottles, beverage and food cartons are all acceptable for recycling, as long as they have been rinsed. In addition, cardboard is acceptable, but must not contain grease or food remnants. They conveyed the need for residents to make a better effort to reduce contamination of recyclable items.

In Public Comment, Janet Pancost represented the BZA. She expressed her disappointment in the Board of Trustees for allowing a second hearing in the Weigel case. She stated that it felt like a vote of no confidence in the BZA. Jack Groselle responded that the decision was based on the Weigel’s having new information that may change the outcome. Janet also presented some recommendations for the Board of Trustees. She noted a trend in Hiram Township where residents proceed with building units, claiming that they are unaware of zoning requirements, and then “begging forgiveness” after the fact. She suggested increasing the awareness of being a “zoned” township by adding signs at major entrances to the township. The signs would read “Zoned-Permit Required”. She also suggested double fees for BZA applications that are filed after a resident is in violation of zoning. Janet has discussed the trends in the township with Attorney Chris Meduri as well. It is an option for the BZA & trustees to pass or deny an application and send the applicant to the Portage County Court System if the work has been completed. She made another suggestion of issuing fines on residents who are in violation on a per-day basis to encourage them to get problems addressed more expediently.

Lastly, Mrs. Pancost noted that she has been travelling roads in other townships recently, and noted that their poor condition reminded her of how well the roads are maintained in Hiram Township. She expressed her thanks to Road Supervisor Tom Matota.

Jack Groselle presented the building plans created by Hal Stamm and suggested moving forward on the plans that do not include HVAC. Trustees made an initial payment to Mr. Stamm of the $12,000 invoice for his services. Steve Pancost met with Amy from Regional Planning and was encouraged to hear that Hiram Township might be eligible for a USDA Grant towards developing trails and/or a new building. They suggested bidding for grants in February or March of 2019.

Zoning: Rich has received angry complaints from a Wheeler Rd resident regarding the farm bakery/market/nursery business being run from a home. He has talked with Attorney Chris Meduri. Jack Groselle received a resident complaint about chickens, peacocks, and ducks. He advised them to work it out with their neighbor.

The next Hiram Township Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 17th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography