Home News Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – Resolution 2016-24 Jack Groselle moved to accept the road salt bid price of $36.52 per ton with a 10% increase in total tons purchased from The Ohio Department of Transportation. Steve Pancost seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Kathy AYE, Steve AYE, Jack AYE.

Trustee Steve Pancost contacted the Portage County Engineers’ office about his interest in reducing the speed limit on Allyn Road. The Portage County Engineers are doing a traffic survey on Allyn Road to determine the need for a speed limit reduction. They let Mr. Pancost know that the survey will take between two and three months to complete. Mr. Pancost shared that the county plans to chip and seal Allyn Road. Relatedly, it was noted that the proposed cell tower on Allyn Road had been incorrectly noted as being considered for the east end of the road; in actual fact, the tower is proposed for the west end of Allyn.

In other news, Trustee Schulda met with Hiram Police Chief Ed Samec and Interim Chief Brian Gregory to discuss their contract with the township. Chief Gregory will be the acting chief until July 2017, at which point Chief Samec will either return to duty or retire. In similar news, the paperwork for Hiram Township to begin receiving revenue from the tickets issued in the township is being completed. Mrs. Schulda requested that Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe to keep copies of all revenue documents in order to provide the information to the Village of Hiram Police Department.

Later, Mrs. Schulda shared that she had contacted Mrs. Umbaugh regarding the appraised value for her property, which borders the township’s property on State Route 82. Mrs. Shulda shared that when Mrs. Umbaugh provides previous appraisal paperwork to her, she will share it with trustees.

Trustee Jack Groselle commented that per the article in Ohio Township News Magazine, township residents’ unpaid recycling billing can be added to the tax bills in the future. Mr. Groselle contacted Kimble Recycling to inform them of this change. In related news, Mr. Pancost responded to a complaint about recycling bins that are being left at the roadside long after weekly pick ups are completed. After a short discussion, Trustees agreed that residents should be notified that the bins have individual serial numbers; as such, residents could be charged for the nearly $100 cost of the bin, should it be stolen or damaged.

In his Road report, Tom Matota shared that crack filling was nearly completed at the Village Gate development, and that Rolling Meadows and Wrenwood will be next. After that is completed, chip and seal work will begin. Roadside mowing is being done around the whole township initially; afterward, the crew will return to do a more thorough job in particular areas.

The next township trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 16th at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the Hiram Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography